Score: 4 stars **** out of 4 ****
You know you’re in for something really different when the opening voiceover lets you know that if you’re a liberal you might be offended by what you are about to see — especially you, Robert DeNiro.
Make no mistake, “Dummycrats” is a movie made by a conservative (first time director Kyle Olson) which stars conservative internet pundits Diamond & Silk and is in no way trying to hide, cloak, or lighten its message and serves as a wake-up call for the independent and undecided voters. It’s being released for one night only (see details below) at a most critical time when the press is clamoring about a midterm “blue wave” sweep, the confirmation of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh by a razor-thin margin, and Kanye West wearing a “Make America Great Again” cap while in the Oval Office.
As good as the films of Dinesh D’Souza have been, they are largely serious, furrow-browed affairs which work well for the established base, but do little to sway those on the fence — the most coveted of all electoral demographics. Anyone worth their weight in salt already knows those in the middle have the final say in all elections and they are the desired audience of Olson’s film.
Having started on, the North Carolina-based Diamond (Lynnette Hardaway) and Silk (Rochelle Richardson) soon became media darlings of conservative TV and are what the left had regularly assumed to be their unwavering base — black women. Both former Democrats, Diamond & Silk spoke unapologetically in their support for then-candidate Trump and called on Democrats to actually listen to what he had to say and how it would benefit them.
Given the numbers of what has happened in the nearly two years since Trump’s inauguration (record low black and female unemployment), Diamond & Silk became de facto soothsayers and are the perfect spokespersons for Olson’s film. They represent a long-neglected chunk of the Democratic electoral base who would never endorse a white, Republican man (running against an entrenched establishment Democratic woman), but that’s exactly what they did.
After establishing his stars' bona fides, Olson presents a greatest hits clip reel of Hillary Clinton. After a 1996 slamming of urban gangs, Clinton is shown as a guest on an urban radio station asking the hosts if her mentioning of her love of hot sauce was successful in “persuading” them. This is followed by a clip from Clinton’s condescending “I don’t no ways feel tired” speech, multiple examples of her unsuccessfully navigating simple stairs, and another where husband Bill is shown snoozing during one of her empty, yet long-winded speeches.
Olson then unspools a string of videos showing high-profile Democrats making huge public speaking gaffes including but not limited to F-bombs (Kirsten Gillibrand), S-bombs (DNC chair Tom Perez), Nancy Pelosi constantly confusing Bush 43 with Trump and a truly creepy montage of former Vice President Joe Biden groping and sniffing (yes, sniffing) young women and children. This truly gut-busting but troubling passage concludes with Georgia congressman Hank Johnson rambling on and on while tossing out multiple offensive euphemisms describing “little people.”
The meat and potatoes of “Dummycrats” arrive when Diamond & Silk visit areas of Los Angeles and San Francisco, represented in congress respectively by Maxine Waters and Pelosi. While the majority of her constituents live in abject poverty, Waters lives in a posh $4.3 million home (on a $174,000 salary) outside of her district. Clips going all the way back to Waters’ first term in 1990 show her encouraging violence in the wake of the Rodney King incident, rubbing elbows with Louis Farrakhan, and professing that one needs to be very intelligent if they wish to become a real gangster.
In San Francisco — a place where hypodermic needles are free and plastic straws are illegal — the main concern of those living in Pelosi’s district are the toxic levels of human excrement in the streets. Why on Earth is the most expensive-city-to-live in the U.S. riddled with poop? Diamond & Silk interview a homeless woman and get the answer. If you are a natural U.S. citizen and have fallen on hard times, you’re on your own. However if you are an illegal alien, this sanctuary city will provide you with healthcare, food stamps, access to schools and housing (all of it “free”) where you can relieve yourself in private.
Wrapping everything up with the testimonials of former Democratic citizens who have joined the #WalkAway movement, Olson ends what could be the first in a series of eye-opening documentaries calling Democrats to task in manner no one in the mainstream media would ever dare.
If you wish to see “Dummycrats” before the DVD release next month, you’ll need to visit a theater near you this Monday the 15th at 8:00 PM local time. This is only time the film will be made available theatrically.
Michael Clark has written for over 30 local and national media outlets and is currently the only newspaper-based film critic providing original content in the Atlanta Top 10 media marketplace and he recently co-founded the Atlanta Film Critics Circle. Over the last two decades, Mr. Clark has written over 3,500 movie reviews and film related articles for the Gwinnett Daily Post and is one of the scant few conservative-minded U.S. critics. To read more of his reports — Click Here Now.
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