It’s difficult to look evil in the face.
It’s difficult to watch the scenes of horror and confusion around Kabul airport in Afghanistan.
Now, we’ve witnessed at least a dozen or more American service members killed in heinous, cowardly terrorist attacks that everyone knew would come eventually. At least 60 Afghans have been killed as well, and untold numbers wounded.
The Taliban are truly evil, and if that’s the case, those who aid and abet them are evil as well.
Which brings me to President Joe Biden.
When I look at the President and his administration, I see a man who has lied and continues to lie about the worst foreign policy disaster of the last 40 years. I see a man who has abandoned Americans and allies alike and refuses to take responsibility for the pain and suffering he has caused.
What he’s done and continues to do is more than misguided: It’s evil.
Don’t believe me?
Without President Joe Biden, we would not have the photo of a Marine lifting a baby over razor wire, or the stories of desperate moms throwing their babies over the barbed wire in the hopes of them being saved.
Without President Joe Biden, we would not have the images of Afghans falling to their deaths as they tried to cling to a departing U.S. Air Force plane and in a desperate attempt to flee the Taliban.
Without President Joe Biden, the Taliban’s eighth-century cavemen would not have gotten their hands on billions of dollars of advanced U.S. military equipment.
There wouldn’t be Taliban members walking the streets in U.S. military uniforms, carrying U.S. military rifles, or driving U.S. Humvees.
We wouldn’t be worried about the Taliban selling that hardware to terrorists who target American soil.
Without President Joe Biden, Afghan young people would still be mixing freely across genders at coffee houses, women would still be able to work and travel without burqas or male escorts, and those who never knew the tyranny of the Taliban would not have to live through what their parents did.
Without President Joe Biden, Christians in Afghanistan would not be worried about the Taliban knocking on their doors and killing them for owning a Bible.
Without President Joe Biden, the thousands of Afghan soldiers killed and in hiding would still be at their posts, working to defend their country from radical Islamists with the help of the U.S. military.
The thousands of Afghan allies who risked their lives to help American troops would have already been evacuated to start new lives in freer countries.
And the 50,000 plus Afghan soldiers who have already given their lives in the fight against the Taliban would be honored, instead of slandered by President Biden.
Without President Joe Biden, the thousands of American citizens still stranded in Kabul and other Afghan cities would be free to leave the country ahead of the U.S. withdrawal.
They would have left long before the last troops had pulled out in the event of a well-planned withdrawal.
They would not be stuck, fearing for their lives, if it were not for Joe Biden.
If this same situation had somehow unfolded during another administration, stranded Americans would be waiting for the full might and power of the United States military to rescue them from whatever part of the country they’re hiding.
We would have moved heaven and earth to bring them home safely because, before Commander-in-Chief Joe Biden, the American military didn’t leave its citizens behind. We go to any length to rescue American citizens in harm's way; at least we did before Joe Biden.
Instead, because of President Joe Biden, these Americans have been left to fend for themselves.
We’ve heard reports of the Taliban beating Americans and stealing their passports, and the administration has warned them not to come to the airport due to security threats. They have been told to shelter in place, while the Taliban goes house to house, hunting them like animals.
President Joe Biden single-handedly destroyed an entire country, eviscerated our position on the world stage, emboldened our enemies, killed Afghans, ended American lives, and lied about the whole thing.
The Afghan military didn’t give up. President Joe Biden abandoned them during the height of the Taliban’s “fighting season.”
The Afghan people didn’t choose this future. The median age is 18.5, and most don’t know what it’s like to live under the Taliban.
As we watch in horror the news that dozens of American service members have died, remember this: Joe Biden knowingly caused this disaster. And he doesn’t give a damn.
According to him, none of this was a mistake, and this was to be expected.
I look at Biden and his administration, and I see evil, right here in America. We should name it, proclaim it, and fight it.
Mark Meckler is president of Convention of States. Read Mark Meckler's Reports — More Here.
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