President Donald Trump is under relentless siege: from the Democrat-aligned media like CNN, from nasty politicians like Maxine Waters, from entertainers like Stephen Colbert, from innumerable miscreants on Twitter, and from the Deep State.
The deluge is overwhelming.
On a daily basis, the president is called a racist, a misogynist, a Nazi, and a terrorist. Entertainers regularly suggest assassinating him. When asked about a Trump 2020 banner displayed during a “Frozen” production on Broadway, Carole Cook, 94-year-old star of film and stage, quipped to a TMZ reporter: “Where’s John Wilkes Booth when you need him? Right?”
The day before the 17th anniversary of 9/11, Joe Scarborough — former Republican congressman, current cohost of “Morning Joe” on MSNBC, and daily Trump-basher — wrote an op-ed in the Washington Post, titled: “Trump Is Harming the Dream of America More Than Any Foreign Adversary Ever Could.” Essentially, he opined that the 9/11 terrorists were less threatening to America than Donald Trump. And, of course, the Washington Post, another Trump enemy, printed it.
Frankly, I’ve never seen anything like it.
The situation has become so absurd that, on September 11, The Washington Post issued this editorial: “Another Hurricane Is About to Batter Our Coast. Trump Is Complicit.”
Complicit in a hurricane? Seriously?
Oh, yes: Trump doesn’t believe in man-made global warming, or climate change, or whatever they’ll call it next year, and has reversed Obama-era climate policies. So, naturally, he’s guilty of causing a hurricane.
Second-grade idiocy for a second-grade audience.
I’ve spent a good deal of time in Starbuck’s, typing away on my laptop, meeting a huge cross-section of people. In general, these latte patrons are surprisingly uninformed and misinformed about politics. Nevertheless, they do have negative impressions of Trump — largely from friends, family, coworkers, scuttlebutt, and the anti-Trump media.
Impressions matter. They influence votes.
Alas, Mr. Trump is unable effectively to deflect and defeat the neverending injurious attacks against him — causing those negative impressions — because he’s ill-equipped and understaffed.
In Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the president has a talented, tough, no-holds-barred press secretary. She is, however, only one person.
Trump needs 20 more just like her, at least.
Moreover, Trump’s coterie of spokespeople, surrogates, and fans — from Kellyanne Conway and Sebastian Gorka to Kanye West and Jon Voight to Lou Dobbs, Jeanine Pirro, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, and Laura Ingraham — aren’t organized and provisioned properly to win this vicious war.
What Donald Trump needs, pronto, is the Media Force, modeled after the Delta Force.
In the Delta Media Force (DMF), there would be teams focused narrowly on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, New York Times, Washington Post, Hollywood actors, Twitter, Facebook, and Google. Responses to attacks on the president would be swift and accurate.
Trump must extricate himself from directly counterattacking his enemies: while warranted, the behavior ultimately hurts him and his presidential brand, and it helps the Democrats fundraise against other Republicans.
Lest you feel that my proposed Delta Media Force is crazy or illegal or too severe, consider the alternative: an increasingly disrespectful, divided, wrathful country whose president and presidency are being damaged, perhaps irreversibly.
The midterm elections are on November 6, in 53 days. Without the DMF (and it may be too late), the Republicans are in danger of losing the House and the Senate — because they suffer collateral damage from attacks on Trump.
Despite the War on Trump, the country is prospering. Business confidence is higher than when Reagan was president. Help-wanted signs appear in store windows everywhere. Foreign investment is pouring into our country.
Imagine how well America would do if Trump could defeat his enemies and focus 100 percent on governing! He could do that, but not without the DMF.
Marc Rudov is a branding advisor to CEOs, speaker, media commentator, and author of "Brand Is Destiny: The Ultimate Bottom Line" and "Be Unique or Be Ignored: The CEO’s Guide to Branding." Find him at For more of his reports, Go Here Now.
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