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Woke Yoke Will Weigh Heavily on Democrat Midterm Election Outcomes

blackboard with democrat woke and republican winner written on it
(Dreamstime/Newsmax illustration)

Larry Bell By Friday, 26 November 2021 10:08 AM EST Current | Bio | Archive

There are clear signs of a trend that politically moderate Americans are becoming weary of wokeness that has come to dominate the Democratic Party … and those indications aren’t merely wishful Republican sentiments.

When asked during a PBS NewsHour interview how everything went so terribly wrong for Democrats in the Virginia governor’s race, and a near loss of another gubernatorial contest in New Jersey, Bill Clinton’s presidential campaign manager and popular Democrat media pundit James Carville, had a ready answer.

“​Well, what went wrong, is this stupid wokeness.”

“​They’re expressing language that people just don’t use. And there’s a backlash and a frustration at tha​t,” Carville said, and ​suburbanites in Virginia and New Jersey “pulled away” from such “wokeness.”

“Don’t just look at Virginia and New Jersey,” Carville warned. “Look at Long Island, look at Buffalo, look at Minneapolis. Even look at Seattle, Washington. I mean, this ‘defund the police’ lunacy, this ‘take Abraham Lincoln’s name off of schools,’— people see that.”

Carville observed that such policies have a “suppressive effect” across the country, suggesting that progressive Democrats “need to go to a woke detox center,” The New York Post reported.

In a separate interview, Carville explained that many people are being turned off by progressive metro-woke smugness. He told the Washington Times: “The danger is that when you communicate to people in this woke language that they don’t use, they think you think you’re better than them. It reminds people you’re caught up in a coastal, urban, elite, self-important view of the world.”

Appearing on CNN's Cuomo Prime Time with its host Chris, liberal talk show commentator Bill Maher agreed with Carville that woke Democrats have become the “party of no common sense.”

Elaborating how the public at large views much that appears on social media, Maher explained, “And people see this on their newsfeeds. I mean, you were saying to me in the break, 'people mostly go on with their lives.' They do, but they see things on their phone or on their Facebook page. People pass things around and it's a constant drip, drip, drip of, oh, these people are nuts.”

With regard to whether or not most Republicans lack a general understanding regarding teaching of critical race theory (CRT) in schools, and appreciation for importance of racial diversity and transgenderism, Maher pointed to progress, with acknowledgement of “more work to be done.”

Whereas many liberal media networks have attempted to deny the existence of CRT indoctrination in K-12 education curriculums, Maher said that he understands the legitimacy of parental concerns.

CRT is "not a phantom," Maher argued, noting that there is "something going on in schools that never went on before."

Maher told Cuomo Prime Time that when he was in school: "We learnt about the Civil War. They mentioned racism, we understood slavery and Lincoln ... but they didn't really go into it any more than Gone with the Wind goes into it.”

"Now we are doing that, and I think it's a good thing," he said, but "that's different than teaching that racism is the essence of America, that's what people get upset about.”

When Cuomo raised the argument that people want children to be taught about the realities of racism and "otherwise you're just hiding from the truth," Maher replied, "That's nuts. That's just silly. It's just virtue signaling."

"Kids are taught and sometimes separated into groups, oppressor and oppressed,” Maher objected.

Maher then asked, "Does a kid even know what those words mean? Would they gravitate toward that if you hadn't told them?"

While Maher is critical of some these social issues, he urges that it is important to be “realistic” and to recognize "great progress." He said, “I mean it was only like 10 or 20 years ago that no state in America... would vote for gay marriage. It was on the ballot like 35 times, now it's the law of the land, and no one is against it."

Maher has also bravely risked strident ire of his fellow progressives in pointing out rampant media hypocrisy involving treatment of Republicans versus Democrats regarding news event reporting.

Referring to revelations of Hunter Biden’s lucrative no-show board membership ties to a corrupt Ukrainian gas company while his vice president father was serving as the Obama administration’s point person for Ukrainian affairs, Maher commented that MSNBC’s host Rachel Maddow would have covered the story very differently if it had involved the Trump administration.

“If Don Jr. did it,” Maher said, “it would be all Rachel Maddow was talking about."

Now, nine months into a disastrous Democrat-controlled presidency and Congress, Americans are becoming wearily awakened to destructive woke consequences: woke race baiting has attacked American patriotism; woke communication commissars have cancelled free speech; and woke anti-law police movements have contributed to rampant lawlessness.

Virginia and New Jersey voters sent loud messages to Democrats and Republicans alike that this is not the sort of free nation most America want to live in.

Upcoming 2022 Congressional midterm elections will hang heavy woke lessons upon necks of candidates who fail to listen.

Larry Bell is an endowed professor of space architecture at the University of Houston where he founded Sasakawa International Center for Space Architecture and the graduate space architecture program. His latest of 10 books, "What Makes Humans Truly Exceptional," (2021) is available on Amazon along with all others. Read Larry Bell's Reports — More Here.

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There are clear signs of a trend that politically moderate Americans are becoming weary of wokeness that has come to dominate the Democratic Party ... and those indications aren't merely wishful Republican sentiments.
woke, democrats, midterms
Friday, 26 November 2021 10:08 AM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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