President Biden’s Tuesday State of the Union address to the nation demonstrated epic disinformation-tolerance on the part of mainstream media networks regarding false utterances of the doddering gaffer they put in America’s highest office.
The Economy
Biden said, Two years ago, the economy was reeling … we created 12 million new jobs – more jobs created in two years than any other president has created in four years.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, that job growth was fueled by a post-pandemic recovery that started under President Trump following a 21.9 million loss from a pre-COVID February 2020 employment peak.
Whereas it’s true that the U.S. economy has added 12.1 million jobs in Biden’s first 24 months, it also added 12.5 million jobs in Trump’s final nine months in office.
Inflation and Wages
Although Biden bragged that Inflation has fallen every month for the last six months, while take-home pay has gone up, he didn’t clarify that whereas the 6.5% rate in December was the sixth straight month, that the year-over-year inflation rate had declined, or that “real” weekly earnings, adjusted for inflation and measured in dollars valued at their average level in 1982-84, actually declined 3.7% since Biden took office in January 2021.
Energy Prices
A major contributor to inflation of transportation, food and commodity costs is the direct consequence of Joe Biden’s war against fossil energy, including banning of the Keystone XL pipeline along with myriad other executive orders placing regulatory restrictions on drilling.
It is perhaps forgivable that Republican attendees loudly groaned at his ironic temerity in blaming oil companies for lagging in domestic production because they correctly told him: We’re afraid you’re going to shut down all the oil wells and all the oil refineries anyway, so why should we invest in them?
Deficit and Debt
Joe claimed he had cut deficit spending by a record $1.7 trillion — largest deficit reduction in American history, failing to note that most of this was due to expiring emergency COVID outlays, or that the deficit in FY 2022 was still nearly 41% higher than it was in FY 2019 before the pandemic hit.
He also said no president added more to the national debt in any four years than his predecessor, and that nearly 25% of the entire national debt was added by Trump.
Most of the four-year $7.8 trillion Trump administration contribution to the national debt was due to bipartisan coronavirus relief packages. That public debt had gone up $8.1 trillion during the eight pre-COVID years when Biden served as vice president in the Obama administration.
Prior to the pandemic, the deficits in the three prior years under Trump were lower than all of the deficits in Obama’s first four years in office (but higher than the deficits in Obama’s last three years in office), and significantly lower than any year under Biden so far.
Medicare and Social Security
Republicans booed and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene shouted “liar” when Joe falsely stated that some among them proposed to “sunset” Medicare and Social Security.
He was apparently disingenuously referring to Sen. Rick Scott, R-Fla. who only suggested that all federal legislation be subject to renewal every five years in order to “fix” and “preserve” those social programs so that they are financially solvent for the long term.
The Southern Border
Republicans shouted in unison “your fault” when the president said: We know we now have a record number of personnel working to secure the border, arresting 8,000 human smugglers, seizing over 23,000 pounds of fentanyl in just the last several months.
That fentanyl, he stated, is killing more than 70,000 Americans a year… You got it?
Not acknowledged, was that this crisis is fully attributable to his open border policy, or that the $1.5 billion budget provided for “border management” in the recently passed Senate Omnibus bill specifically doesn’t permit use of those funds to hire permanent agents, or to deport illegal aliens.
The money only allows for processing and transportation of migrants to American communities.
Biden China Bravado
Conspicuously not mentioning their giant spy balloon which was allowed to traverse the continental United States before being popped by a missile, President Biden stated: Before I came to office, the story was about how the People’s Republic of China was increasing its power and America was failing in the world. ... Not anymore.
He followed this doubtful declaration, dubiously claiming: But make no mistake about it: As we made clear last week, if China threatens our sovereignty, we will act to protect our country. And we did.
Today, he said, we’re in the strongest position in decades to compete with China or anyone else in the world. Anyone else in the world.
This is at a time when the nearly $1 trillion 2022 U.S. trade deficit hit a record high, with more than a third of the total coming from China where it widened 8% to $383 billion.
Bear in mind here that none of these factual misrepresentations among others too numerous to mention in this brief summary were merely muddled mutterings of an old fool famously known for a lifetime history of prevarications.
No, these are the best talking points that Joe Biden’s desperate handlers could muster to explain Democrat policy disasters, reliably confident that a compliant and complicit media won’t call them on accountability.
Larry Bell is an endowed professor of space architecture at the University of Houston where he founded the Sasakawa International Center for Space Architecture and the graduate space architecture program. His latest of 12 books is "Architectures Beyond Boxes and Boundaries: My Life By Design" (2022). Read Larry Bell's Reports — More Here.
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