This is a Beach Boys summer — and wouldn't it be nice if Brian Wilson enjoys every second of it. Let's hope he does. Happy Birthday, Brian!
Wilson, the lead Beach Boy, turns 70 on June 20 — yes, the same day that Beatle Paul McCartney, his friend and rival and mentor, passes the milestone. Wilson, as his fans well know, has been devastated at times over the years by the stress and pressure of the rock and roll life.
Brian Wilson (from left), David Marks, Mike Love, and Al Jardine of the Beach Boys perform in Las Vegas.
(Getty Images) |
The Beach Boys have been the most iconic band in American history. No other pop group conjures up the same sort of vivid image. The Beach Boys personify the surf, hot rod and dating Southern California scene.
Wilson's songs — including "Wouldn't It Be NIce," "Good Vibrations," and "California Girls" — have remained timeless classics over the decades, since the group formed 50 years ago.
Now, they're back! The Beach Boys are engaged in a long U.S. tour to commemorate the 50th anniversary. They have a hot new sound that is high on the pop charts. And best of all, Brian Wilson is looking happy to be singing and performing for his fans.
The Beach Boys' saga of lawsuits, deaths, acrimony, and heartbreak is not uncommon in the crazy rock and roll world. But because the Beach Boys always seemed to underscore an innocence, they were always something special in our lives.
Journalist Mark Dillon's terrific new book, "Fifty Sides of the Beach Boys" gives readers valuable information about the band's legacy and helps to explain why the group has been such a vibrant force.
His fans wish Brian Wilson a happy 70th birthday. He really deserves lots of good vibrations!
Jon Friedman writes the Media Web column for Click here to read his latest column. He is also the author of "Forget About Today: Bob Dylan's Genius for (Re)invention, Shunning the Naysayers and Creating a Personal Revolution," which Penguin will publish in August. Read more reports from Jon Friedman — Click Here Now.
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