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Rev. Wright Damages Obama's Chances

By    |   Monday, 17 March 2008 04:09 PM EDT

The videotapes of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright blasting the United States threaten the candidacy of Sen. Barack Obama in a way that makes it possible that even the forces that do not particularly like John McCain will come out in droves in November to prevent Obama from getting anywhere near the White House.

The vile anti-white, anti-American, anti-Israel statements by Obama’s pastor and friend are so disgusting and inflammatory that they make even those who want to vote against the GOP in November sick to their stomachs; those very people may now have no choice but to vote against the Democrats.


Because it is becoming clearer by the day that Obama has no business running for president. His pastor proclaimed his hatred or disgust of this country. And yet Obama claims not to have known any of this?

He is, indeed, Sen. Naive!

And he is also naive to believe that, as president, it is good policy to run off and talk to dictators and tyrants as if the mere conversation will accomplish anything other than to elevate the status of that tyrant.

Plus, when the leader of the free world consorts with a bad guy, do you know how that crushes and demoralizes the people repressed by that dictatorship? They lose all hope that they can survive!

The United States of America is indeed the beacon of hope for repressed people all around the world. It is true that G.W. Bush has temporarily damaged our image. But we are a greater nation than one failed presidency. But Obama’s naivete and Wright’s “God Damn America!” hatred will do even more damage to this country.

Clearly Barack Obama has big problems:

  • He has lost that specia’ patina that had propelled him to the forefront of American politics.

  • Wright’s hate speech, combined with Michelle Obama’s statements about “this is the first time I have been proud of my country,” make Obama look either like he is incredibly clever at fronting for this anti-Americanism or else he is so naive that he knows not what his wife and pastor stand for!

  • Politically, the ramifications are clear: the GOP, which ought to lose the election big time this year because of an unpopular war, a despised president, a nominee (McCain) no one is enthusiastic about and an economic meltdown, can now defeat Obama in November. In fact, McCain could possibly crush Obama, precisely because of the hate seen in Wright’s sermons. When voters across the country see those videotapes, their blood will boil. Middle class whites, Jews, and Hispanics will desert the Democrats in droves.

  • The religious right - which does not particularly like McCain, will swarm to the polls to defeat Obama/Wright. Those votes will not be pro-McCain; they will be anti-Obama/Wright. But they count just the same.

  • McCain, who is all wrong on so many issues, could win — even by a whopping 60-40 percent margin in key swing states because of huge defections from voters repulsed by the hatred from Wright.

    The Democrats ought to win everything in November. If ever an election was teed up to win it is this year’s.

    So, instead of picking a winning-type candidate, they fool around with two firsts - the first woman and the first black American — both of whom are fatally flawed.

    Hillary may lose in November; but if she did, it would be a close race.

    But in Barack Obama they may have found a candidate who could even take their party right over the edge.

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    The videotapes of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright blasting the United States threaten the candidacy of Sen. Barack Obama in a way that makes it possible that even the forces that do not particularly like John McCain will come out in droves in November to prevent Obama from getting...
    Monday, 17 March 2008 04:09 PM
    Newsmax Media, Inc.

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