The “rush” that hurts us all is — not Rush Limbaugh — but rushing into a massive almost-$800 billion spending bill without the proper hearings, time to consider and debate.
Yes, the so-called stimulus is almost the law of the land. But that does not make it the best possible stimulus bill to help revive a sick economy.
In fact this is the third time in the past 6½ years that a president — twice G.W. Bush and now Barack Obama — basically has held a gun to Congress’ head and forced it to short-circuit its normal way of doing legislative business, a “way” that has served our nation well for over 200 years.
But in the 2002 vote to authorize the use of force in Iraq, the September/October 2008 TARP votes, and now this massive stimulus spending bill, Congress has been “rushed” into making fork-in-the-road decisions that will affect the country for decades to come.
Mistakes are made in this situation. No members of either the House or Senate have yet read this huge 1,000-page-plus bill; nor will they before they vote on it. Hand-written additions of huge consequence will be sneaked in - and few if any members will even know about them until it is too late.
Now, the basic thought behind this Democratic-written bill is simple: Democrats and liberals believe that any and all government spending is a good thing, no matter what it is spent on. The left loves government spending - on everything!
They truly believe that, the more government spends, the more it gins up economic activity. Thus they blatantly put all those pork elements in there because they believed even those wasteful, ridiculous items will help spur a sick economy. They are the true practitioners of Trickle-Down (from DC) Economics.
(Republicans — before the profligate and budget-busting Era of G.W. Bush and a GOP Congress — used to be fiscal conservatives; and we believed that the best stimulus was not government spending but tax cuts to allow increased consumer spending; this is From-the-People-Up Economics. That was what happened in 1981 and revived an economy that was much sicker then that it is today.)
Only because of Republican opposition and the news media/talk radio world exposing these spending items did some of them get removed from the bill. However, there are still many in here. And you have Sen. Charles Schumer saying that these wasteful pork items are not a big deal! Oh how the Democrats misunderstand the anger of the American people about government spending!
Had the normal legislative process been followed, the rest of this junk would have been exposed. But by “rushing” this bill through, the wool has been pulled over the taxpayers’ heads.
The Democrats hope that the economy turns around by 2010 and 2012. Conventional wisdom is that, if the economy is still mired in a recession, the Democrats will be thrown out of office, again. President Obama has admitted he will be a “one-termer” if he can’t get the economy turned around.
But what if the Democrats have a plan to eliminate the Republican Party as a political force?
Let us look at a few seemingly small news items that lead us to a big conclusion:
Sen. Debbie Stabenow, D-Mich., floated the idea, again, of reimposing the Fairness Doctrine; Nancy Pelosi has already supported this move.
The White House is contemplating moving the 2010 Census out of the Commerce Department and into Rahm Emmanuel’s White House office.
Preliminary talk out of the House about “normalizing” the immigration status of the 11 million to 20 million illegals now in the country. Here is the Democratic plan to eliminate the GOP and thus guarantee one-party rule for decades to come:
Stifle and dilute and weaken Rush/Sean/Savage/Ingraham and so many others who act as a counter-weight to the left-leaning so-called mainstream media by reimposing the so-called Fairness Doctrine.
Change the Census counting procedure to “estimate” the count in heavily Democratic areas and thus allow most states to redraw congressional and state legislative districts to guarantee Democratic majorities for at least the next decade.
Give amnesty to the millions of illegals — and then hand them registration forms and register ‘em all as Democrats! The Republican Party — already limping after the 2006 and 2008 elections — is on the verge of political annihilation if the Democrats have their way.
The Democrats believe in payback — big time — and they are not going to risk another 1994 Republican Revolution. Instead, they are trying systematically to crush the remnants of the GOP.
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