Here is how the Republican Party recently picks presidential nominees. The nominee must be the namesake son of a famous man; a spoiled child of privilege; someone who's never been told no; someone who always got away with terrible behavior because of his last name; and someone who always got what he wanted because no one wanted to anger his famous dad.
Then he becomes someone who always gets away with bad behavior(s) because of his last name; he becomes arrogant and condescending; and sees himself as better than anyone else.
It's “his way or the highway”; he treats people like dirt, with arrogance and condescension; he is against the GOP base and wants to give amnesty to illegals; he doesn't want a border fence; he wants to attack and invade countries who haven’t attacked the U.S.; and he has been part of a foreign policy that has ruined America’s reputation around the world.
He apparently can’t see the big picture: our invasion of Iraq has actually made (Shia’a) Iran stronger and destabilized the Middle East; his policy has made America a hated nation around the world; he wants more trade deals that ship American jobs overseas; he loves doing deals with Ted Kennedy; he is not smart but he thinks he is.
Who does this sound like?
This description fits two GOP presidential candidates. In fact, the last two GOP presidential candidates: George W. Bush and John McCain.
The similarities are startling and upsetting.
Because the damage Bush has done to the nation, the military and to the Republican Party will take decades to recover from.
And now the Republicans — barring a miracle between now and the September GOP convention in Minneapolis — have picked yet another candidate with the exact same qualities!
Bush has crippled the Republican Party. We have lost the House, the Senate and many state legislatures around the country.
McCain may finish it off.
Until the Republicans wake up and realize the mistakes they are repeatedly making, they are going to suffer loss after loss after loss.
Maybe a miracle will occur and in the next seven months people will wake up and stop McCain somehow and replace him with a new candidate.
If not, G.W. Bush and John McCain can together take the Republican Party over the cliff.
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