Hillary’s major stumble on the issue of giving illegal aliens New York State driver's licenses could very well be the beginning of the end of her campaign — if not in the primaries then in the general election.
No issue strikes a cord like this issue. Period.
Here in New York, Gov. Eliot Spitzer has imploded over this issue, and his political career is already in tatters. (Yes, he was already on life support for his criminal behavior in a New York scandal nicknamed "Troopergate," but this license plan was the coup de grace.) He is being attacked from all sides for taking multiple positions on this issue and now Hillary has jumped into this cauldron with him.
It will cost her big time:
First, she refused to take a stand in the debate. She pulled one of her normal Hillaryisms where she said absolutely nothing of substance.Then her pathetic opponents jumped all over her for taking no position — or for sounding like she was waffling. Of course, their problem is they all favor giving drivers licenses to illegals so they can’t attack her on the substance of the issue.Then, the day after this disastrous debate for the prohibitive front-runner, she comes out for Spitzer’s plan. So she has now decided to take a position that may be popular among liberal, Iowa caucus-goers (may be, maybe not) but will be political suicide next year if she makes it into the general election.Even here in liberal, blue state New York, this plan is wildly unpopular — even among New York Democrats statewide, among New York City citizens, and among every single demographic group in all polls. A majority of every group opposes it!
But we Republicans have a bit of a problem: Our two front-runners, Rudy and Romney, have also flip-flopped on the illegal immigration issue. Their records are abominable. True, they didn’t give licenses to them, but Rudy protected them as New York City mayor for eight years. So we can’t be sure if these two candidates are the right men to exploit Hillary’s major mistake.
The Democrats are going to seize this Hillary stumble and try to pound her with it. The news media — bored with her inevitability — is going to help stir things up. Even her buddy, the almost-forgotten and already-irrelevant Katie Couric, was skeptical of Hillary on the CBS News last night.
Look for increasing pressure on Hillary from here on out.
Barak Obama has proven to be a complete empty suit lightweight. He can’t handle big time politics and is actually a bit of a dim bulb. John Edwards is a killer — from his past courtroom days — but he has little credibility. He is also a total fraud and phony. The Democrats really are pathetic, aren’t they?
But so too are the GOP candidates. The ones who are ahead are not the answer.
Still, it will be fun to watch Hillary as she now is under the gun and no longer afforded “she can’t lose” status by the so-called mainstream media.
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