The following article has been authored by a non-clinician.
With the "two weeks to flatten the curve" having stretched out to two years, fundamentally transforming the country, Americans have had it with Democrats’ exploitation of the coronavirus (COVID-19, and its variants) to advance their agenda.
Far-left policies from Democratic state governors and mayors have been all over the place since; beginning with the start of the disastrous Biden Administration, and the lack of anyone to hold them accountable.
The insanity over masks has been particularly pronounced, especially because they accomplish virtually nothing to stop the spread of disease.
Indeed, as much as Democrats and allied institutions have been pushing "the science" their policies have had nothing to do with actual science.
Government autocrats have been using COVID as an excuse to increasingly impinge upon our freedoms, while simultaneously insisting that they’re (cue the laugh track) anti-fascist.
Now they’re beginning to backtrack, lifting outrageous restrictions and insisting that we can "finally get back to normal" … because poll numbers indicate how deeply unpopular these policies are.
They’re not easing back because it's right, they’re easing back because they’re scared.
This week the 31st Democratic U.S. House member announced his retirement.
Those retiring members (Democrats) know their party is going to suffer the shellacking of the century this coming November.
Even in San Francisco — the Vatican of the Cult of Woke — radical schoolboard members are getting booted out.
COVID-19 solutions have been coming from the private sector, not Democrats.
President Donald Trump’s Operation Warp Speed was accomplished thanks to the matter-antimatter intermix of American free enterprise and appropriate levels of government protections.
The speed and effectiveness of American-made vaccines have proven remarkable.
Indeed, more new medicines are developed in the United States than in the rest of the world combined, and America has developed every major healthcare innovation of the last 50 years, including prosthetic limbs, the artificial heart, MRI, and laser surgeries.
But the same freedom allowing that kind of innovation must also protect individuals —especially children — from being forced to take something into their bodies to keep their lives and livelihood, a point on which many in the healthcare field itself agree.
Vaccines are good, terrifying politically motivated mandates are not.
By the contrast, the clear damage of the coronavirus validates what conservatives have long said about American innovation, economic nationalism, and free-markets.
Coronavirus's lessons (and its impact on global supply chains) is that domestic self-reliance is essential.
Saving a few bucks isn’t worth our health and safety.
While the coronavirus is most likely not a secret Chinese bioweapon, the damage the virus has caused globally can arguably be blamed on China.
The damage at home could have been mitigated by bringing as much of American industry back to the Western Hemisphere as possible.
Unfortunately — because that's the most sensible thing to do — the Biden administration has chosen to do the exact opposite. Team Biden has supported a waiver for the Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), a transnational agreement among all member nations of the World Trade Organization.
Among its goals is the lofty ideal "to promote access to medicines for all!"
That sounds great, but — because of its well-documented obligation to the Chinese regime — the Biden administration wants to force American companies to give their hard-won accomplishments of medical technology and manufacturing processes to foreign adversaries, like China.
Globally, people become infected with COVID-19, America finds cures, Democrats give China our research, potentially the creation of even stronger diseases.
"Simply put, the Biden Administration’s support for a TRIPS waiver puts America’s interests last and China’s interests first," a coalition of Republican senators recently wrote. “We look forward to your responses and we hope you will advocate a reversal of this disastrous policy to President Biden."
The damage done to America’s culture, economy, and mental health because of the knowing overreaction to COVID-19, and its variants, has been far greater than the damage done by the actual disease. Even hopelessly blue (states) parts of the nation are starting to backtrack, because they know a reckoning is coming in November.
With them out of the way, interfering with the private sector and our private lives as little as possible, an economic recovery will occur that much faster. A devastating Republican victory this fall will ensure Biden’s next two years will "fundamentally transform" America, and do so as little as possible.
Jared Whitley is a long-time politico who has worked in the U.S. Congress, White House and defense industry. He is an award-winning writer, having won best blogger in the state from the Utah Society of Professional Journalists (2018) and best columnist from Best of the West (2016). He earned his MBA from Hult International Business School in Dubai. Read Jared Whitley's reports — More Here.
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