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America in Throes of Virus ... of Incompetent Mayors, Governors

grafitti on the wall as a smoke bomb goes off
At Portland, Oregon's Justice Center on July 17, protesters set off a smoke bomb at the Federal Courthouse. (Sipa via AP Images)

By    |   Monday, 20 July 2020 09:47 AM EDT

The cities of New York; Chicago; Portland, Oregon; Seattle; Washington, D.C., and many others with Democrat mayors, and states with Democrat governors are suffering anarchy, rioting, indiscriminate street crime and property destruction due to a virus. The offender is a virus of incompetent or ideology mayors and governors — all of whom are Democrats.

The coronavirus offers these maleficent Democrat officials a lame excuse for their incompetence or willful and/or purposeful desire to transform their cities and states for ideological reasons.

These Democrat officials' willfully and/or purposefully ignore street-brawlers' misconduct that is designed to transform America into a socialist entity. Could those like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio, D-N.Y., and George Soros ultimately dictate a new far-left political order?

Fundamental change of America!

The death of George Floyd was the latest catalyst to provide an excuse for the leftist/communist/socialist/anarchist cadres to take to the streets in riot-mode. With the newsmedia support, academia support, Democrat support — naive, impressionable and malleable young people joined the hard-core, professional and well paid leftist/communist socialist/anarchist street-brawlers.

The street-brawlers are small in number, but have big results.

The news accounts by television, radio, or newspaper of July, show America in crisis — an un-American crisis. America of 2020 looks like and acts like a country at war with itself. To many citizens, America of 2020 is much like Germany in the years after World War I.

German street brawlers were the National Socialists — the Nazis, the communists, the anarchists, the regular socialists and plain criminals. Today, in America, it is the Socialist/communist faction that will win out. This faction has the money people, the news media and now the Democrat party as the pillars of its support.

The news media uses anti-Trump hatred as it's cause celebre to mask it's real goal the take-down of the American political system — the take-down of the American Republic.

One need only look at an all-American city, Portland, Oregon.

During the July 4 weekend, police responded to damage to a bronze sculpture honoring Oregon's pioneers by fire. No arrests were made and little done to seek the criminals. July 4 was considered the 38th consecutive day of civil unrest in Portland.

As of July 6, police responded to 17 shootings, up 240% from 2019.

According to station KGW 8 in Portland, from July 1-13, there were 16 homicides and 42 shootings in Portland. A 16-year-old young girl was one homicide victim. The spike in shootings in Portland has occurred since the city council ordered the police to end its Gun Violence Reduction Team.

The Portland newspaper, The Oregonian, editorial of Sunday, July 19, attacks acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf as misstating the facts about nightly protests and falsely claiming that Portland was "under siege."

The editorial board wrote, "Yes, parts of downtown have been trashed. Many public and private buildings have been shuttered to protect them from further damage…"

The editorial board then, states, "In truth, federal intervention has only made things worse." This comment, of course, is a matter of opinion. Federal law enforcement officers were protecting federal property. It is not clear whether Portland police would protect the federal buildings and the occupants.

The editorial board writes of the need and vision for racial justice, community harmony and economic prosperity. But the board criticizes local and state officials for either being silent "or adding fuel to the fire…" Gov. Kate Brown, a Democrat, is also subject to criticism. But the board supports these Democrats at election time.

Black leaders "have called out the presence of white individuals who use the Black Lives Matter movement as cover for their own agendas. They have spoken up against destruction of businesses, noting that some have also damaged Black-owned stores. And despite unwavering insistence on police reform, they have also supported police officers and the role they play in protecting public safety."

The editorial board makes no comment that Black leaders called out white individuals who use the Black Lives Matter movement as cover for the whites "own agendas."


The Portland newspaper editorial board opines that Portland needs leaders — city, county, and state — to say no to protests that devolve into destruction.

On Thursday night, several hundred rioters, or as the Portland Democrats say, "protesters," called for the burning down of Portland Police Bureau's Southeast Precinct. The building was not burned. Later, 20 people were arrested there, mostly males in their 20s. It is not clear what caused the police to make these arrests.

Portland and Oregon need new political leaders. The entrenched ultra-left Democrats of Portland and Oregon have no moral nor American-based compass, but a leftist ideology.

No change means continued rioting and vandalism.

James H. Walsh was associate general counsel with the U.S. Department of Justice Immigration and Naturalization Service from 1983 to 1994. Read James H. Walsh's Reports — More Here.

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The coronavirus offers these maleficent Democrat officials a lame excuse for their incompetence or willful and/or purposeful desire to transform their cities and states for ideological reasons.
mayors, governors, democrats
Monday, 20 July 2020 09:47 AM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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