Sean Penn picks his guest spots very carefully.
It could be that the “Milk” star was just Oscar hunting during a recent PBS appearance, but Penn seized the opportunity to take a shot at the Fox News Channel and an implicit poke at hosts Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity, and Glenn Beck.
During an interview with Tavis Smiley, the dude who can’t seem to shake his Spicoli alter ego said, “For example, the criticism people get tend to be from failed actors. Like the Fox anchors who are just clearly very envious, the failed actors, and that kind of people. And what they don't know is that you're raised on resilience as an actor to that.”
Is Penn so wasted as to believe Fox anchors secretly desire to be movie idols?
In case he hadn’t noticed, they’re already bigger stars than most of Penn’s pals.
Eat your heart out, Hollywood.
If you’re a Fox fan, better pay attention to what Sen. Debbie Stabenow and her liberal friends are plotting.
Recently on the Bill Press radio show, the tens of people who make up the Air America listening audience were treated to the Michigan senator and her promise to convene hearings to restore “balance” to the airwaves.
After Press asked whether it is time to bring back the Fairness Doctrine, Stabenow replied, “I think it’s absolutely time to pass a standard. Now, whether it’s called the Fairness Standard, whether it’s called something else – I absolutely think it’s time to be bringing accountability to the airwaves.”
Stabenow then babbled about the new prez and his “accountability and transparency,” noting that “in this case, there needs to be some accountability and standards put in place.”
Press then pressed her about hearings in the Senate this year, to which she indicated that she would conduct hearings and have radio station owners subpoenaed to testify so the Senate could determine why people tune in Rush Limbaugh and tune out Air America.
This is just a sneaky way of getting the old Fairness Doctrine back without Dems’ having to admit what they’re really up to.
Obama’s appointees to the Federal Communications Commission can, on their own, apply to the licenses of radio stations something called “localism” regulations.
The end result of localism essentially will be the same as the suppressive effect of the Fairness Doctrine. The FCC will have the power to revoke a station's license and will be able to use the strong-arm tactic to control a station’s content.
Stations that would fail to serve “needs of minority groups” in their communities (however selectively defined) would be in danger of license revocation.
To put even greater pressure on station owners, the Obama administration plans to alter the broadcast license renewal period, taking it down from eight years to two.
Obama is on record as being in favor of localism.
The individual in charge of FCC transition matters is Henry Rivera, former chairman of the Minority Media and Telecommunications Council, a known supporter of localism.
The insidious threat to free speech is coming our way. Get ready to let your voice be heard and grab a satellite radio just in case.
James Hirsen, J.D., M.A. in media psychology, is a media analyst, teacher of mass media and entertainment law at Biola University, and professor at Trinity Law School. Visit: Newsmax TV Hollywood:
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