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Jonah Goldberg - Real Conservatism

Jonah Goldberg

Oct 19, 2018
DNA Doesn't Define Us
Think of it this way: You know what you call an American citizen with Irish DNA going 300 or 1,000 years? An American.

Oct 16, 2018
If Liberals Want a More Democratic Senate, Break Up California
If California thinks its California-ness is worth preserving, it should suck it up and take one for the team. If liberals really want a more democratic Senate, they should call for California to be sliced up into three or four states.

Oct 12, 2018
Nikki Haley Has Better Political Timing Than Anyone
If Trump runs in 2020, it's doubtful anyone could take the nomination from him. If he doesn't run, the Republicans could be in desperate need of a minority woman who's acceptable to a divided GOP and to voters repulsed by Trump.

Oct 9, 2018
Politics Will Only Get Uglier After Kavanaugh Confirmation
The president deserves praise for picking Kavanaugh and sticking by him. He is now doing a disservice to the new justice and to the Supreme Court by holding up Kavanaugh like a trophy. Such gloating and total war is the new statesmanship.

Oct 5, 2018
Don't Assume Kavanaugh Would Be a Partisan Justice
Progressives have convinced themselves nothing could be worse than a Brett Kavanaugh. But they could do far worse, and they should count themselves lucky that conservatives such as Kavanaugh still believe the court belongs to no faction save the Constitution itself.

Oct 2, 2018
Kavanaugh Gets Stereotyped by the Left
Judge Brett Kavanaugh is a human being. Appeals to historical grievances, highbrow theories of the male psyche and pent-up resentments, as interesting or as emotionally powerful as they may be, are not all that relevant here. This isn't an allegory. It's the real world.

Sep 27, 2018
Trump's 'Doctrine of Patriotism'
President Trump began his address to the United Nations this week with some of the boilerplate braggadocio that forms the basis of his rallies.

Sep 25, 2018
Belief Outweighs Truth in Kavanaugh Hearings
We don't presume the person whose car is stolen is lying. But we do presume the individual accused of stealing it is innocent until evidence says otherwise.

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