Mar 29, 2018
A most fortunate couple in today’s story have been married for just over 60 years, proving once again that miracles do happen. Our darkest moments, in God’s plan, are often the seeds of the brightest tomorrow.
Mar 19, 2018
During this Fifth Sunday of Lent, let us focus on the cross which is the means of bringing us to the resurrection. Before we rise to new life, we must die to the old ways of sin.
Mar 9, 2018
The Christian who only sees God in the grandeur of a Church, like the worshipers in today’s Gospel, but not in other people is only telling half the story. We must serve God both in the Church when we gather for worship and in the way we treat our neighbor after worship.
Mar 1, 2018
Many, like the three apostles who witnessed the transfiguration of Jesus, are tempted to seek an escape from the problems of life and to worship Jesus by a kind of mystical withdrawal. That was not what Jesus intended.
Feb 13, 2018
Reach out and touch someone, the neighbor next door, a friend in hospital, an elderly person, someone having a bad day, the poor amongst you, the weak, the vulnerable members of your family or household, your co-workers.
Jan 31, 2018
Jesus changed authority from the exercise of power to faithful, loving service. He came, not to be served but to serve. This is the kind of authority worth believing in.
Jan 19, 2018
Everybody has a vocation to serve God and humankind. Each vocation has a different manifestation. May God enable each and everyone called by Christ to understand how to respond to the call in their own state in life.
Dec 5, 2017
Whenever we expect company in the evenings, it is common to turn on the porch light.