Jul 9, 2024
Even after the recent revelations of Biden’s condition, any move by Democrats to replace geriatric Joe will be driven less by any concern that Biden is incapable of running the country, and more by their real worry: that Biden will lose. Their handlers have too much to lose. They will lose power.
Jun 17, 2024
Chris Ruddy founded Newsmax as a digital media company in 1998, it has survived the internet crash, the Great Meltdown of 2008, and the Obama era. Since the 2020 election, Newsmax has grown faster than any other major cable news channel.
May 7, 2024
Sometimes the worst offenders are leading white liberals, Carl says. On some university campuses, minority students are invited to huddle in “safe spaces” that bar their white classmates; courses preach that white oppressors are responsible for Blacks’ troubles.
Mar 26, 2024
Our right to free speech-guaranteed by the First Amendment to the Constitution-is under attack again, this time from the U.S. Supreme Court, the one place that should have the utmost reverence for the first and most important right in our Bill of Rights.
Jan 10, 2024
President Biden spent zero time laying out promises to resolve the border crisis, reduce fentanyl and opioid deaths of more than 100,000 Americans every year, or cut government spending that fuels inflation. Nor did he utter, even once, the word "Bidenomics."
Dec 18, 2023
All of this is part of a strategic, all-out assault on Elon Musk. A lot of us, if we had one-tenth of his wealth, might give up and retire to life on our own island, but this man keeps working incredibly hard to improve the world. Why is the federal government out to stop him?
Nov 17, 2023
We live in an upside-down world lately, where wrong is right, common sense is trumped by "feelings," and facts no longer matter. And so it is that the Biden White House, in the wake of the worst Islamic terrorist attack on Israel in the 75-year history of the Jewish State,...
Nov 2, 2023
The media often avoids using the word "terrorists" to describe the attackers deployed by Hamas, meekly calling them "militants" or "Palestinian fighters."