Feb 5, 2018
More recently, policy experts have recommended that we incorporate maternity leave into Social Security in the Disability system.
Jan 26, 2018
Would you trade your Social Security for a reduction in your student loan obligations? It is a theoretical question now, but that may change in the future.
Dec 29, 2017
We could have reduced benefits to zero for the entire year of 2016, and the program would have finished the year in worse shape than it started.
Dec 5, 2017
The status quo mindset has enabled the system to deteriorate to where it is today. For decades, we have heard that Social Security presents a problem for those who are 40 and younger. The idea that we can adjust the system for future beneficiaries is the source of our present challenges.
Nov 6, 2017
Social Security is the largest, and arguably most important, program in the federal government. It is a life-line for millions. For the rest of us the program is a set of never-ending, polarizing arguments.
Oct 23, 2017
The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget released a statement on the FY 2018 Senate Budget which reveals that Congress is starting to wake to the issue of Social Security.
Oct 6, 2017
We solved the financial problem of 1983 with a fairness problem that grows into eternity. Congress intended to pass the buck from then-retirees to future retirees. That approach is unpopular with current retirees who want Congress to pass that same buck to someone else.
Sep 8, 2017
Social Security has generally lost visibility as Washington and voters have focused on healthcare. It is ironic because any questions about healthcare should put Social Security in the spotlight on the front-page.