With the recent announcement that the U.S. Justice Department has settled with scientist Steven Hatfill, awarding him more than $5 million, he is finally vindicated after years of being treated unjustly by overzealous prosecutors and investigators in the matter of the 2001 anthrax attacks.
Newsmax is also vindicated for rising to Hatfill’s defense, having been almost alone among the media in digging out the facts about the infamous anthrax attacks that killed five Americans in 2001.
In a series published in 2002, Newsmax warned against the rush to convict Hatfill of being behind the anthrax attacks without a shred of evidence to justify such claims.
In a series of articles, including our correspondent Phil Brennan’s “The Crucifixion of Steven Hatfill,” we told the whole story. You can read these articles by Clicking Here Now.
Instead of joining the rest of the media in doling out leaks from the FBI and presenting them as facts, Newsmax took the trouble to dig into the case and reveal the real story to the public.
Nobody in the media was closer to the case than Brennan, who was a close friend of the late Bob Stevens, an employee of America Media Inc. in Boca Raton, Fla. Stevens was the first victim of the anthrax attacks. Brennan's son Peter, a co-worker of Stevens, was among the last to leave the contaminated AMI building in the wake of the attack.
For Hatfill, the long ordeal is over. But for the five people who died and their families -- not to mention the 17 people who were infected with anthrax during the 2001 attacks -- the ordeal continues. The U.S. government still has to identify the culprits. Perhaps their error has been to religiously believe the source of the attacks was from a U.S. citizen, and not a foreign terrorist.
Again, please take a moment to read Phil Brennan's original series on Newsmax by Clicking Here Now. Veritas vos liberabit.
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