Dr. Janet Hranicky - Mind-Body Connection
Dr. Janet Hranicky is a co-director of the Hippocrates Health Institute’s Comprehensive Cancer Wellness Program in West Palm Beach, Fla. She has been a pioneer in the field of psychoneuroimmunology and cancer. As an associate of the late renowned radiation oncologist, O. Carl Simonton, M.D., from 1979-2009, she was involved in the longest running mind-body treatment program for cancer in the world at the Simonton Cancer Center. She has applied her clinical experience and research from working with thousands of people with cancer and training healthcare professionals internationally over the last 30 years to an integrative model in holistic wellness that incorporates her background in behavioral medicine and neuroscience, integrative functional medicine, bioenergetic medicine, and nutritional science. For more information, please visit the Hippocrates Health Institute’s website at www.Hippocratesinst.org.
Tags: dr hranicky | healing | mind | health

The Healing Power of the Mind

Dr. Janet Hranicky By Monday, 01 June 2015 11:45 AM EDT Current | Bio | Archive

Early on, the research was provocative and exciting that examined: “The Role of the Mind in Getting Well…”

Years later, with more specialization in medicine and reductionistic thinking in research, the evidence in many ways has become more confusing, yet my conviction of "knowing" what is missing in the research is that which can’t be captured as a "variable" on paper is profound…truly that of “the invisible forces.”

I have seen in my 30 years of clinical research of psychoneuroImmunology and cancer that serious incurable disease always represents deep and often unconscious emotional conflict of the soul.

Dr. Hunt, UCLA Professor Emeritus and Founder of the BioEnergy Fields Foundation, explained in our recent interview that primary emotions are patterned in our bioenergy field to protect us.

Emotions provide the organization of the mind field that creates the force that causes things to happen in the material world.

Emotions are organized energy of the soul whose function is to preserve life and make it enjoyable, “embellish it.”

Emotions tag our experience and act as signposts to steer our behavior. Avoiding danger and pursuing rewards is essential for successful navigation through a complex environment and thus for survival.

We program "our field" to protect us.We establish belief systems to live easier based on cultural patterns.

Understanding the interaction between psychosocial stress and immune-related disease,
studies published in the last two decades in Brain, Behavior and Immunity and other journals have demonstrated that acute and chronic psychological stress can induce pronounced changes in innate and adaptive immune responses and that these changes are predominantly mediated via neuroendocrine mediators from the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and the sympathetic-adrenal axis.

Research in the field of psychoneuroImmunology and cancer has begun to show us the power of our minds, and especially how that power is related to influencing our bodies.

Even though there are different theories being tested as to how the mind and body are connected, the researchers are agreeing on point: the mind is very powerful in your recovery process.

Evidence-based medicine now shows consistently the following results with integrating mind/body medicine in the treatment of cancer:

Doubling of median survival time
▪ More long-term survivors
▪ Higher quality of life
▪ Higher quality of death
▪ Less emotional pain
▪ Less physical pain
▪ Less hospitalization
▪ Less pain medication
▪ In general, people fare better

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Early on, the research was provocative and exciting that examined: "The Role of the Mind in Getting Well…" Years later, with more specialization in medicine and reductionistic thinking in research, the evidence in many ways has become more confusing, yet my...
dr hranicky, healing, mind, health
Monday, 01 June 2015 11:45 AM
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