Do you have chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, or even sinusitis or spastic colon? You probably have overgrowth of yeast or Candida. Though poorly understood by most physicians, treating this underlying infection can have profound health benefits!
There are no definitive tests for yeast overgrowth that will distinguish yeast overgrowth from normal yeast growth in the body. However, if you have ANY of the following conditions you should be treated with antifungals:
• CFS or fibromyalgia
• Chronic nasal congestion or sinusitis
• Spastic colon (gas, bloating, diarrhea and/or constipation)
• Been on recurrent or long term antibiotics
• Intermittent painful sores in the mouth (not cold sores on the outer lips) that last for about ten days at a time
Many books on yeast overgrowth advise readers to avoid all yeast in the diet. However, trying to avoid all yeast in foods results in a nutritionally inadequate diet and does not substantially help most people.
The most important part of treating yeast overgrowth is avoiding sugar and other sweets, although I will add the three magic words "except for chocolate."
You can also enjoy one or two pieces of fruit a day, but you should not consume concentrated sugars (fruit juice, jellies, pastry, etc.). Stay far away from soft drinks, which have 10-12 teaspoons of sugar in every 12 ounces.
A dietary method that can help restore balance in the bowel is the intake of acidophilus — that is, milk bacteria, which is a healthy type of bacteria. Acidophilus is found in yogurt with live and active yogurt cultures. Eating one cup of yogurt a day can markedly diminish the frequency of recurrent vaginal yeast infections. Acidophilus is also available in supplement form.
Many other natural antifungals can be helpful, but when used individually in a high enough dose to kill the yeast they also irritate the stomach. Because of this you should combine multiple anti-fungal herbs.
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