To deal with cold sores, make sure your diet is rich in immune boosters like berries, lots of fresh vegetables, especially dark, leafy green ones, and lots of good protein from fish, chicken, and beans.
Also, make sure you get healthy fats like avocados and olive and coconut oils.
Eliminate processed foods, do not eat anything that has a label with ingredients you cannot pronounce, skip the sugar substitutes, decrease the amount of desserts in your diet, as well as caffeine, soda, and alcohol, and increase your water intake.
Get exercise every day, but don’t overdo it, and sleep eight hours a night at least five nights a week.
Deal with stress and make sure you express your feelings — do not hold on to anger or fear. Probiotics and omega-3 fish oils, vitamin C, and well-balanced hormones will also help improve immune function.
Finally, if you get an outbreak, stop it dead in its tracks with three days of Valtrex, which is an excellent antiviral with no worrisome side effects.
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