The 2008 film "Sugar" tells the tale of a Dominican baseball player Miguel "Sugar" Santos, who was recruited to play in the United States. It shows just how hard it was for the 19-year-old to adjust to life in Iowa.
While Sugar may have seemed to be headed for a sweet life, it was going to be a rocky road.
For tens of millions, the taste of added sugar is just as sweet and just as rocky.
The typical North American eats around 20 teaspoons of added sugar daily, fueling conditions from heart disease to obesity to cancer, and it's hidden in everything from sauces and condiments to frozen dinners.
At last, the Food and Drug Administration has proposed that the nutrition labels on packaged foods tell you how much sugar has been poured into them!
The goal accepted by the FDA is to limit intake of added sugars to 10 percent of your daily calories — or about 200 calories a day.
The American Heart Association says women should aim for 6 teaspoons (96 calories), men for 9 (144 calories). We say, aim to eliminate all added sugar from your diet.
You can bust your sugar cravings by eating slow carbs (non-starchy veggies, 100 percent whole grains and low-sugar fruits), lean protein, and healthy fat (12 walnut halves, one-quarter avocado or 10 olives) at every meal.
Posts by Dr. Mehmet Oz, M.D. and Dr. Mike Roizen, M.D.
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