You can never have too much of a cozy bed & breakfast, bumblebees or b-ball. But when it comes to B vitamins, research shows that you need the right amount to feel as young as can be.
And B-wise; over B-ing promotes obesity, and it happens all the time now that foods are fortified with Bs and folks supplement with extra B vitamins!
According to (a testing facility that examines the safety and efficacy of supplements), "Many vitamins and energy drinks exceed the established upper tolerable intake levels for B vitamins. If you have a deficiency, high doses may be necessary; otherwise, more does not necessarily mean better."
Our advice: Read the label. Some sources supply 2,500 times the recommended daily value for B6 (for adults, it's just 1.3 to 1.5 mg). That may trigger nerve damage or skin lesions.
Too much B12 brings on acne or rosacea in some folks.
Excess niacin (B3) can cause skin flushing/pain, liver toxicity, and elevated blood sugar.
Excess folate (B9) can cause kidney damage and mask a B12 deficiency.
But too little B is also common. The right amount of folate for three months before and during pregnancy decreases autism by 40 percent and all other congenital defects by over 60 percent.
And it's probably in your daily multi — so again, read the label. You can break it in two and take half in the a.m. and half in the p.m. to keep your B (and C) levels near optimal. Then you'll B your best.
Posts by Dr. Mehmet Oz, M.D. and Dr. Mike Roizen, M.D.
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