Question: I was recently diagnosed with diabetes but don’t have any of the usual risk factors (I’m think, exercise a lot, and don’t eat a lot of sugar). Is it possible it’s genetic?
Dr. Hibberd's answer:
Yes. It sounds like the diabetes you have is most likely genetically determined. Type 1 diabetes needs insulin replacement, and is usually best managed in this fashion. I would be very surprised to see high insulin levels characteristic of Type 2 diabetes in someone who isn’t overweight.
But there may be some remote possibility if you have some other condition, such as hypothyroidism or an adrenal disorder, that is undiagnosed and uncorrected.
Newly diagnosed diabetics should always be sure to have their doctor check for medications and conditions that may cause diabetes as well as other underlying conditions. For example, your baseline insulin levels would confirm Type 1 diabetes, if your levels are low, and Type 2 if levels are high.
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