We are constantly being reminded that “we are what we eat.”
Gluten-free diets are now the fad the same way low-fat and low-salt diets were 20 years ago.
I’m a believer in moderation and can assure you that all studies show that people who lead active lives, eat well-balanced diets, do not eat junk, GMOs, sugar substitutes or chemicals, alcohol or caffeine, and a lower the amount of dairy as they age, will do a lot better than their peers who ignore the necessary changes aging requires of us.
Dairy is always a question, because it reflects on the amount of calcium you are getting. Dairy products contain lots of calcium, and it has been ingrained in us since childhood that milk builds strong bones.
The truth is that while this statement may be true for little kids, it doesn’t apply to adults. As we age, our bodies become sensitized to milk and dairy (including yogurt), and our ability to process these foods and extract the calcium and use it for our bones becomes limited and very much dependent on our hormones.
So again, let’s get back to the hormones estradiol and testosterone, and how their disappearance at menopause affects us.
The loss of these hormones not only creates bone density problems, it also affects our ability to absorb nutrients, which leaves us bloated and uncomfortable.
That is where probiotics and digestive enzymes come in handy. While they help us absorb nutrients, they are not very forgiving when it comes to dairy products.
So please let go of dairy, and that includes the brie and other cow cheeses. Instead, focus on eating foods such as spinach, kale, and Brussels sprouts, which are all full of calcium and easy to digest and absorb.
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