If you have a migraine, or you feel one coming on, you can reduce your discomfort by: a) taking a medication your doctor has prescribed; b) finding a cool, dark, quiet place to lie down until it passes; c) having sex (an orgasm is key); d) all of the above.
And the right answer is (drum roll, please) ... d) all of the above.
A: If you're a migraine sufferer, see a doctor - only about 50 percent of people who have these life-stopping headaches regularly do. Doctors may suggest a non-drug approach (relaxation therapy, stress-management, and acupuncture are some), Botox, migraine relievers, or preventive drugs and anti-nausea medications.
B: If you do sense a migraine coming on (you may experience an aura and feel dizzy, hear a ringing in your ears, have light sensitivity or even hallucinations) get thee to a cool, dark, quiet place. And that sets you up for our third suggestion!
C: New research finds that making love can be a more effective migraine reliever than painkillers (more than half of folks said it provided significant relief). The theory is that a rush of endorphins or the release of hormones that accompanies orgasm stabilizes or dilates blood vessels - easing discomfort or canceling out migraine pain.
If you're wondering how in the world to make love while you've got a migraine, think about certain Latin-sounding words that also refer to love-making ... and don't believe Bill Clinton's view on the subject.
For additional helpful tips, check out Sharecare.com's "Top 10 Social HealthMakers on Headaches."