Question: I’m concerned about memory loss. What can a person do naturally to help with this?
Dr. Brownstein’s Answer:
Memory difficulties are one of the most common complaints I hear in my practice. The first step is to diagnose what is wrong with your brain function. There can be numerous reasons
why you are having memory difficulties. But the most common reason I see for brain dysfunction is dehydration.
The brain is made up of approximately 80 percent water. In a chronically dehydrated state, brain function declines. Headaches are also common. It is impossible to have optimal brain
function without ensuring adequate hydration.
How much water is enough? Take your weight in pounds, divide by two and the resulting number is the amount of filtered water you should drink daily, in ounces. Coffee, soda, juice, and other beverages are no substitute for drinking water. When drinking water, I also suggest ingesting unrefined salt. The salt helps your body utilize water more efficiently.
There is also no question that eating a healthy diet helps improve brain function. A healthy diet supplies vital nutrients necessary for optimal brain function.
Brain decline is very common with heavy metal toxicity. The most common heavy metal
poisoning that I diagnose is mercury. There are numerous sources for mercury toxicity, including dental fillings, vaccines (such as the flu vaccine), and ingesting fish.
Have your heavy metal levels tested by a holistic healthcare provider. If they are high, detoxification protocols can be implemented to help. Finally, ensure that you have adequate vitamin B12 levels. I see many patients suffering from brain dysfunction due to B12 deficiency.
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