Dr. David Brownstein, M.D
Dr. David Brownstein,  editor of Dr. David Brownstein’s Natural Way to Health newsletter, is a board-certified family physician and one of the nation’s foremost practitioners of holistic medicine. Dr. Brownstein has lectured internationally to physicians and others about his success with natural hormones and nutritional therapies in his practice. His books include Drugs That Don’t Work and Natural Therapies That Do!; Iodine: Why You Need It, Why You Can’t Live Without It; Salt Your Way To Health; The Miracle of Natural Hormones; Overcoming Arthritis, Overcoming Thyroid Disorders; The Guide to a Gluten-Free Diet; and The Guide to Healthy Eating. He is the medical director of the Center for Holistic Medicine in West Bloomfield, Mich., where he lives with his wife, Allison, and their teenage daughters, Hailey and Jessica.

Tags: b vitamins | stroke | homocysteine | dr. brownstein

B Vitamins Can Lower Stroke Risk

David Brownstein, M.D. By Tuesday, 23 April 2024 04:26 PM EDT Current | Bio | Archive

Researchers wanted to study the effect of vitamin B6, B9, and B12 supplementation on the risk of stroke, cardiovascular disorders, and vascular death among stroke patients. The B vitamins were also studied for their effects on homocysteine levels. A total of eight trials with 8,513 subjects were included in the analysis, which was published in the journal Cureus.

Vitamin B supplementation was also found to have a significant benefit for reducing homocysteine in stroke patients. In addition, vitamin B supplementation showed an 11 percent reduction of combined risk of stroke, myocardial infarction, and vascular death among stroke patients — 13 percent for stroke and 17 percent for vascular death, whereas no beneficial effect was seen for cardiovascular disorders.

The authors concluded, “This [study] demonstrated up-to-date evidence on the beneficial effect of vitamin B supplementations in reducing homocysteine and preventing the combined risk of stroke, myocardial infarction, and vascular death among stroke patients.”

A stroke occurs when the blood flow to an area of the brain is compromised. Worldwide, stroke is the fifth most common cause of death and the third most common cause of disability. In the U.S. alone, strokes led to 146,383 deaths in 2017.

Homocysteine is a protein produced in the body; adequate amounts of B vitamins are required for normal production and breakdown of it. Deficiency of vitamins B12, B6, and B9 can lead to high levels of homocysteine, which are associated with cardiovascular complications including increased risk of stroke and heart attack. In fact, high levels of homocysteine have proven to be an independent risk factor for premature cardiovascular disorders.

I have been checking homocysteine levels in my patients for decades. It is important to have homocysteine checked once or twice per year because it can be an indicator of future cardiovascular complications. Often, supplementing with the correct B vitamins can lower a person’s homocysteine levels.

In addition, eating a healthy diet and exercising also help lower homocysteine levels. Homocysteine and genes (MTHFR) that control for homocysteine can easily be assessed through blood tests.

I suggest having your homocysteine levels checked on an annual basis. MTHFR should be assessed once. Proper nutritional supplementation can help to lower the risk for stroke and other cardiovascular problems.

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Researchers wanted to study the effect of vitamin B6, B9, and B12 supplementation on the risk of stroke, cardiovascular disorders, and vascular death among stroke patients.
b vitamins, stroke, homocysteine, dr. brownstein
Tuesday, 23 April 2024 04:26 PM
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