Question: My 11-year-old grandson has a serious allergy to tree nuts and also suffers from asthma. Knowing that you suffered from childhood asthma, what do you recommend?
Dr. Brownstein’s Answer:
Asthma in children is increasing at epidemic rates. Identifying and treating food and environmental allergies makes a tremendous difference in an asthmatic patient. The most common food allergy that I have seen is dairy — specifically, sensitivity to the milk protein
I estimate that more than 80 percent of patients have sensitivity to casein. Labs can do an IgG test for casein antibodies to identify the allergy. This test is clinically reliable.
You might also seek out a practitioner of NAET, an acupressure treatment designed to diagnose and treat food and environmental allergies/sensitivities. NAET is nontoxic and anyone, children included, can undergo it.
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