Often people feel like victims in life. They think they have no control over what happens to them. But what they don’t think about are all the times they set themselves up to be victims. Here are some of the typical ways you can be sure to bring on some additional problems for yourself:
Don’t get out of bed when the alarm goes off. Instead, keep pressing the snooze button.
Don’t have a leaky roof fixed.
Don’t follow the washing instructions on a favorite wool sweater.
Have an important luncheon to attend and forget to check your dry-cleaning.
Don’t study for your exam until the night before.
Wait until the deadline before filling out your college applications.
Ignore the gas company’s warning that you haven’t paid your bill.
Overschedule so you run late for every appointment.
Insist on picking up the tab, when you have zero money.
Make coffee every day at the office because you’re the only woman.
Go to a movie that will give you nightmares for months to come.
Fix a big family dinner and then insist that you’ll take care of all the dishes the following morning.
Notice that a friend has torn a hole in your coat she borrowed and say, “Oh, it’s OK.”
Agree to a 6 a.m. breakfast appointment with a client who consistently oversleeps.
Share a well-guarded secret with someone who’s a blabbermouth.
Lend $50 to the person who hasn’t paid you the last $50 he owes you.
Let your driver’s license expire.
Can you think of any other ways that you set yourself up as a victim?
Check out Doris’ latest books, “The Boy Whose Idea Could Feed the World,” “The Parent Teacher Discussion Guide,“ and “Thin Becomes You” at Doris’ web page: http://www.doriswildhelmering.com.
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