Take the following quiz. Are you an emotional eater?
- Do you eat when you’re not hungry?
- Do you eat or continue eating even if the food doesn’t taste good?
- Do you eat when you can’t think of anything else to do?
- Do you eat after an argument or stressful situation to calm yourself down?
- Do you eat to reward yourself?
- Do you keep eating even after you’re full?
Each “yes” indicates that you’re eating in response to your feelings. In other words, the primary reason you’re eating is because of your emotions. The key to getting emotional eating under control is awareness.
Before you take a bite, ask yourself: “What am I feeling?” Let yourself feel the feeling for five minutes without eating. Then figure out something else you can do to help relieve it instead of putting yet another bite in your mouth.
Check out Doris’ latest books, “The Boy Whose Idea Could Feed the World,” “The Parent Teacher Discussion Guide,“ and “Thin Becomes You” at Doris’ web page: http://www.doriswildhelmering.com
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