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Ron Paul: Obama Czars Are Unconstitutional

Friday, 25 September 2009 12:00 PM EDT

With 28 remaining czars in the Obama administration after the departure of Van Jones, there has been a new call to bring transparency to shed light on the secretive nature of this group of individuals that operate outside the watch of government.

Congressman Ron Paul (R-Texas) takes that sentiment a step further.

In an interview with Dan Mangru of Newsmax TV, Paul said he believes that the czars are unconstitutional.

“They are not authorized (by the constitution), and not approved by the Senate, but Obama’s not the only guilty party.”

Watch the Exclusive Interview with Newsmax TV's Dan Mangru — Click Here Now!

Paul asserted that government operating in secrecy is nothing new and pointed to the existence of czars since the 1970’s

“The whole principle of uncontrolled government and government working in secrecy, that’s nothing new, but thank goodness it’s becoming more apparent.”

Asked if he would favor passing legislation that would bring Obama’s czars under Senate authority, Paul said he would favor such legislation and would also favor denying funding to Obama’s czars.

Paul added that he would like to see the czars out of government altogether.

“The goal of my political life would be to make government so small that nobody would be even tempted to get them (the czars) approved by the Senate. We don’t need more bureaucrats; we need less government, less agencies, and less regulation.”

During the interview, Paul also spoke extensively about his new book, “End the Fed,” where he calls for the abolishment of the Federal Reserve.

“Nothing good can come from the Federal Reserve,” writes Paul in the book.

“It is the biggest taxer of them all. Diluting the value of the dollar by increasing its supply is a vicious, sinister tax on the poor and middle class.”

Paul believes that the Federal Reserve should be replaced by the marketplace where “you don’t have anybody fixing interest rates, or deliberately monetizing debt, and increasing the money supply.”

As evidence of the market’s ability, Paul pointed out that for a good part of American history the United States operated without a central bank.

Andrew Jackson was the first U.S. President to retire the national debt and abolished the central bank system when he made sure that the second Bank of the United States did not renew its charter in 1836.

From 1836 to 1913, the United States operated without a central bank, until the creation of the Federal Reserve System.

Paul also rejected the idea of abolishing the Federal Reserve and then distributing its powers to Congress or to the Treasury Department.

“If you gave all of the powers of the Fed and gave them to the Treasury or the Congress, you’d have a lot of chaos,” Paul said.

Paul currently is the lead sponsor of HR 1207: The Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2009, which calls for a full audit of the Federal Reserve.

When asked what we may find in such an audit, Paul responded, “We might find exactly why Goldman Sachs was treated differently than was Lehman Brothers. We might find out what kind of agreements that they made with other central banks and governments to extend credit to them to get them involved in the market. We may find out that they manipulate the gold prices.”

We do not know what we will find in a Federal Reserve audit, Paul says, of this he is sure: They don’t want him to find out.

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With 28 remaining czars in the Obama administration after the departure of Van Jones, there has been a new call to bring transparency to shed light on the secretive nature of this group of individuals that operate outside the watch of government. Congressman Ron Paul...
Friday, 25 September 2009 12:00 PM
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