Larry Kudlow, renowned economist and Newsmax Finance Insider, believes we are losing the fight to terrorism.
“I hate to say this, but in some respects the Islamists, the terrorists are winning and the West is losing. I don't like that one bit and that's got to be changed,” he recently explained to
"There is a right road in history and there is a wrong road in history. My great fear is that we are on the wrong road."
He detailed a few of his concerns:
Why Hasn't NATO Declared War on ISIS? “Why haven't we officially through NATO declared war on ISIS and related to that, why hasn't the United States, the president and the Congress, issued a war resolution against ISIS? We need to rally this country,” he proclaimed. “You look at the opinion polls, people are furious at what's going on, at what government is not doing. Why haven't we issued a war declaration?”
US Must Destroy ISIS. “We've got to take their territory. We may not destroy all terrorism for all time, I get that, but we can certainly crush ISIS and destroy them if we go into Syria and get their capital, which is Raqqa,” he said.
White House Must Listen to Military Advisers. “The new general in charge of the Middle East has offered up a plan, a bombing plan, special ops on the ground, and for some reason the White House and the National Security Council are saying no. they're saying ‘Don't do it, We don't want to spread the war,” Kudlow said.
“In my opinion, that is just the worst thing I can imagine. It shows we are not serious about our efforts to destroy ISIS. If the generals tell it to you, you ought to listen,” he said. “It is unimaginable to me that the White House would stand in the way. We must destroy the enemy where it is and take its real estate away.”
Obama Sending the Wrong Message With Public Actions. “Obama, who somehow let his picture be taken underneath a huge mural of Che Guevara in Cuba, was an extraordinarily bad thing. Why are we celebrating Che Guevara? Why is he moving us all backwards? I say, Mr. Obama, you've got nine months left, be a standup guy,” he said.
“Declare war on ISIS, allow the military to do what they need to do in Raqqa, in Syria, and in Iraq, and provide some leadership," he summarized.
Larry Kudlow is a senior contributor at CNBC. To read more of his work,
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