More people signed up for Medicaid last year than at any time since the program's inception, as the recession wiped out jobs and workplace health coverage.
A report released Thursday by the nonprofit Kaiser Family Foundation found that enrollment in the low-income medical insurance program jumped to more than 48 million. With the economy barely improving, states are forecasting a 6 percent increase in the rolls next year, meaning another strain on their cash-depleted budgets.
Nearly 6 million people have signed up for Medicaid since the start of the recession in December 2007, according to Kaiser. Starting in the fall of 2008, the federal government provided more than $100 billion in additional Medicaid funding to the states to help cover growing numbers of people in need. The last of that money will run out in June of next year, and states are still likely to be strapped.
"The recession swamped state budgets and Medicaid programs, but with the extra federal aid, Medicaid helped millions of additional people as intended during tough times," said Diane Rowland, executive director of the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured. "Looking ahead, states will face new challenges as the federal aid winds down and they prepare for health reform."
From December 2008 to December 2009, Medicaid enrollment rose by nearly 3.7 million people, the biggest 12-month increase since the early days of the program's implementation, the report found. That accompanied a surge in demand for other low-income assistance. Nearly 12 million households received food stamps last year, a record.
Medicaid is a federal-state partnership created with Medicare in 1965 under President Lyndon Johnson. It covers low-income families and many elderly in nursing homes. It's also been assigned a major role under the new healthcare law, which expands the program to cover an estimated 18 million additional low-income adults starting in 2014.
For now, states are cutting Medicaid to try to curb costs.
Nearly every state — 48 in all — took some action to limit Medicaid spending last year, and most plan more cuts next year. Although they didn't reduce eligibility, Kaiser found that states took steps to restrict the scope of coverage:
• A record 20 states placed restrictions on benefits, and 14 plan new restrictions next year. Arizona, California, Hawaii and Massachusetts eliminated some or all dental coverage. Other states limited medical imaging, therapies, supplies and personal care.
• Thirty-nine states cut or froze payments to hospitals, doctors and other service providers, and most plan another round next year. Medicaid payment rates are already so low that in many states it's hard to find doctors who will accept the coverage.
• Eighteen states placed limits on long-term care services, and 10 plan additional limits next year.
The recession officially ended in mid-2009, but the Kaiser study indicates its ill effects will take a while longer to wear off.
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