Tags: U.S. deficit | taxes

Denis Kleinfeld: How the Truly Rich Can Pay for the Deficits, Debt and Societal Damages

Socialist Party USA
Socialist Party USA demonstrators (Dreamstime)

By    |   Wednesday, 10 November 2021 04:03 PM EST

The recent vote in Virginia signifies that a major blowback against wokeness and progressive politics is gaining ground. According to James Carville, McAuliffe's loss in Virginia resulted from "stupid wokeness" and the progressive agenda.

Kyle Morris notes in a blog that the Oxford dictionary now defines "wokeness" as "meaning chiefly alert to racial or social discrimination and injustice."

Progressiveness or progressivism is the alter ego of collectivism in all its forms—for example, the Democratic Socialists of America, whose members include numerous congresspersons and others politically connected.

Spearheading the election in Virginia was the blatancy and outright offensiveness of the woke education platform of the school board and the teachers union.

Anyone familiar with recent history recognized it as being much like the National Socialists' or communists' methods of indoctrination of the young. Indoctrination is the goal of the international socialist New World Order. It started in the early 1900s, built up through the 1920s-1930s, and lingered through post-WWII.

Progressive political dogma picked up steam in the 1960s and 1970s with the social revolutionaries taking control of the Democrat Party made easy by the ignoble submissiveness of the RINOs.

The impact of progressive politics was succinctly characterized by Archbishop Jose H. Gomez (president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops) when commenting on President Biden's meeting with the Pope as reported by the Washington Examiner.  

America's New Political 'Religions'

Gomez argued that America's new political "religions" -- which he called secular "pseudo-religion," like "social justice," "wokeness," "identity politics," and "intersectionality" -- are effectively "canceling traditional values of human life, the human person, about marriage, the family, and more."

What is critical for everyone to realize is that Gomex is recognizing the very people who are attempting to transform the United States:

"An elite leadership class has arisen in our countries that have little interest in religion and no real attachments to the nations they live in or to the local traditions or cultures."

The cover story of the Austrian, a publication of the Mises Institute (September-October 2021), is an interview with Professor Yuri Maltsev entitled The Sovietization of America.  Professor Maltsev pointed out two things that curiously caught my eye.

In response to the question of whether the "World Bank types" advocate a planned, regulated, socialist market, Professor Maltsev says, "Absolutely. We must have this economy which is run by the government, not the private sector. Everything Mr. Biden has been doing since his inauguration is heading in that direction…."

Kamala Harris a 'Stalinist'

And he also states, "His Vice-President, she's just not only a socialist but kind of a Stalinist."

The movement to force the United States to submit to the international collective is the dream, the vision, the fantasy of the globalist elites. Or it may be, as Hayek pointed out in The Intellectuals and Socialism, likely they just want the transitory gratification of influence and power.

In the end, it is a matter of money. When it comes to powering the engine of politics and government, money is the primary fuel.

A shadow globalist government that can pull the puppet strings of national politics from behind the curtain (so to speak) takes vast amounts of unaccountable Dark Money. They do it by deploying tax-exempt money and related government funding through institutes, societies, associations, and other out of plain view groups.  

The money started accumulating in earnest with the progressive political movement of the Democrats and Republicans in the early 1900s and their mutual establishment of tax-exempt foundations and other politically aligned organizations.

In his book The New World Order, Eustace Mullins examined the public presentation of the foundations, noting, "From the outset, American foundations have exhibited a twofold image –in front is the tireless do-gooder who balks at nothing if it serves a good cause. But behind him are the evil conspirators who are intent on preserving and increasing their wealth and power."

Tax-Exempt Foundations

This observation, noted in 2010 by Ryan Kapchinsky in his Master of Arts thesis "Tax-Exempt Foundations and their Influence in Society," accurately reflects the consistent findings of the sparse number of congressional investigations of tax-exempt foundations.

The Reese Commission in 1954, for example, produced a written report by Norman Dodd over 2000 pages long. As regards the issues of education--- a significant point of friction in the recent Virginia election----Kapchinsky notes of the Dodd Report: 

"When summarizing, the ideological objectives and values that the foundations desired to instill within the American education system, Norman Dodd states the following:

 Its product is apparently an educational curriculum designed to indoctrinate the American student from matriculation to the consummation of his education. It contrasts sharply with the freedom of the individual as the cornerstone of our social structure. For this freedom, it seems to substitute the group, the will of the majority, and a centralized power to enforce this will—presumably in the interest of all. Its development and production seems to have been largely the work of those organizations engaged in research, such as the Social Science Research Council and the National Research Council. 146

"In summary to what Dodd found, the foundations wanted to influence and modify American education so that it would shape people into being more receptive and obedient to centralized authority, and consent to the unhindered intrusion of increased social, economic and political control." That was in 1954.

Media, Internet Stranglehold

Today 6 companies control 90% of the media outlets; 4 companies control 90% of the social internet information systems. A handful of Wall Street financial firms directly or indirectly control where money is allocated. 

President Teddy Roosevelt effectively used Anti-trust to deal with the robber barons of his day. It is even more needed today against the media, internet technology, and financial companies.  

They work through an interlocking network of private and public companies, facilitated by top political leadership who alternately work for and on both sides. A small cadre of dedicated elite globalists who control the global power mechanism take private jets into Davos and other venues to meet.

They enter the lofty realm of multi-national oligarchs, elevated to globalist citizen status, and entitled to participate in directing the New World Order imposed on everyone else. 

And while feigning to give away billions, they buy their way into the exclusive social strata hierarchy of elitists while cloaking themselves with the outward appearances of legitimacy as their eternal legacy.

The billions of dollars of wealth held in tax-exempt foundations are the Dark Money fuel powering the global ideological political activism machine.

What is the solution to disarming the massive ideological assault on American values, culture, national sovereignty, and individual constitutional rights?

Take away the sources of dark money used by the global elites to collectivize everyone in the world under their control. To do that without incurring extreme violence, the lessons of the Virginia election lead the way.

We learned in Virginia that social engineering ideologies and propaganda are spread through the education system. Indoctrinating children from an early age through post-graduate university is fundamental to radically transforming the values of America.

The Virginia election showed it could be stopped. 

Cut Off the Dark Money

But to keep it stopped, cut off the Dark Money coming from the socialist foundations supporting the election of radical school board members and leaders of the teachers union.

It is time for these revolutionary foundations to pay income tax and the detailed reporting and accountability that all other taxpayers must endure.

And they should be subject to a rule against perpetuity. Say 25 years. Then the money goes back to the original grantor's heirs. If they want to give it away again to strangers, they can choose that option when they get their money in hand.

What is so readily apparent after the Virginia election is that billions upon billions of dollars are sitting in tax-exempt foundations and similar organizations used against the interests of everyday Americans.

The truly rich had the benefits from giving away the money to fund these tax-exempt entities, and now the money is no longer theirs.

It is time to take that money through new legislation and start funding the deficits, debt, and societal damage these ideologically-driven organizations caused.


Denis Kleinfeld is known as a strategic tax and wealth protection lawyer, widely published author and creative teacher.



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The vote in Virginia signifies that a major blowback against wokeness and progressive politics is gaining ground.
U.S. deficit, taxes
Wednesday, 10 November 2021 04:03 PM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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