Sep 24, 2018
We’re going the Wrong Way down the principled One Way Security System’s Street: If you want to know what improved security really means: look for a different key property not a different place to use one!
Aug 27, 2018
Luckily, blockchain is receding from the front pages; but it’s found a foothold in something else that no one understands: Energy.
May 10, 2018
Cybercrime is escalating at record rates, year after year, and the criminals aren’t getting advanced degrees,they’re succeeding because it’s easy to do! You’re buying solutions from the same people who made the problems.
Apr 19, 2018
I know what you’re thinking: ‘All this cybercrime stuff is terrible…but they don’t actually break the encryption – they get in other ways, so what we’ve got is good!’
Apr 3, 2018
We’ll never be able to halt store employee theft completely – merchants have to trust somebody! – but wouldn’t it be nice to shop right alongside that Police Commissioner in the safest neighborhood in town…The Internet?!
Feb 23, 2018
It’s in the access – either the connectivity, the records storage of the exchange (which isn’t supposed to exist in blockchain transactions), the wallets (poor software development, leaving holes and data accessible)…or…our worst nightmare is actually taking place.