Aug 11, 2015
I have China on my mind the past couple of weeks. When we saw the collapse of the Chinese Stock Exchange in the past six weeks, I wondered if that was a significant blow to the China aspirations to becoming the Reserve Currency.
Jul 22, 2015
The political scene in India seems to be headed for a logjam rather quickly. The party led by the charismatic Prime Minister Modi seems to be hitting stall speed.
Jul 8, 2015
Greece has been occupying almost all the financial media as well as most traders and markets in the world. Every financial publication you pick talks about Greece and what its exit or not exiting can mean to the Euro.
Jun 10, 2015
The US Dollar will have to decline later this year as I have been saying for some time now.
Jun 3, 2015
This is about the time of the year when I look up at the Indian skies to assess the fate of Indian monsoons and make a determination of whether India and the Indian economy will have a good year or not. Monsoon refers to the summer rains that hit India in early June.
May 20, 2015
Last week I was in Rio de Janeiro. This country always fascinates me for the stark disparity on display between those who have a lot versus many of the citizens who don't have much. It is a city of contrasts.
May 5, 2015
It is important to invest in assets that the Central Banks cannot tamper with too much. Hard assets such as precious metals are a good choice.
Apr 29, 2015
Back on April 1, I wrote about the slowing trajectory of the U.S. dollar's rise against most currencies. Since then the euro, Australian dollar, Canadian dollar, Singapore dollar and most other currencies have risen by 5 percent or more.