Tags: 15 | trump | improve | economy | cost | taxpayers

15 Ways Trump Can Improve Economy at Little or No Cost to Taxpayers

15 Ways Trump Can Improve Economy at Little or No Cost to Taxpayers
(Lorna Roberts/Dreamstime)

George Mentz By Thursday, 26 July 2018 03:02 PM EDT Current | Bio | Archive

Over the years, it has been difficult to unite working people to generate ideas to move this country forward.

President Donald Trump, who has been a business leader for decades, has an opportunity to take this country to the next level of global competitiveness and protect U.S. workers with fair policies for people from all demographics.

Here are 15 ideas for Trump to expand innovation, financial sustainability, and productivity at little or no cost to the taxpayers.

  1. Farmer & Working Family Protection: Create a National Advisory Commission on Environmental Sustainability. President Trump could appoint several hundred farmers and agricultural business professionals and growers to facilitate innovation of environmental policy for the 21st century. They could propose policy for domestic and global competitiveness which may allow for fair food pricing for working families. The president and Secretary Sonny Perdue working with Director Johnny DeStefano could appoint the members of this new commission.
  2. Fast High-Tech Customer Service Feedback. Create a U.S. Innovation Board of 20,000 people in all states. Send internet polls to the people each week or month to serve needs of people and improve decision making for the government. KellyAnne Conway could network working folks across the nation for better feedback for the people.
  3. 100,000 Good Will Ambassadors.- Expand Good Will and create 100,000 new Good Will Ambassadors to rebuild the U.S. brand globally. Each person would work for free as a good will diplomat for the welfare of the country. Secretary Pompeo could facilitate this quickly with little or no cost as the good will ambassadors would do this for free.
  4. Anti-Fugitive & Anti Human Trafficking. Establish a program which makes other countries pay to bring their fugitives back to their respective nations to face trial by a jury of their peers. Any foreign aid should be reduced by the costs of any fugitive or criminal that needs to be sent back.
  5. Catastrophic Protection.  Just like Wal-Mart enacted a few years ago for its employees, the president and Congress could make catastrophic Term Life Insurance an optional business expense or fully deductible tax expense for all; where death benefits would not be taxable to children or spouse. The long term savings on the government not needing to pay immediate public assistance for surviving children and spouses would pay for itself. Allowing US companies to bid for this offering in each state would create competitive pricing.
  6. College Tuition Fairness. Issue an executive order dictating that citizen students accepted at a college or university will not be charged more than any other student regardless of which state or territory where they come from or reside. This will allow for more heartland students to attend college out of state and allow for more coastal students to attend a great school elsewhere.
  7. Eliminate Criminal Prosecution for Small Tax Disputes. No more threat of jail time or criminal prosecution for anyone who disputes their taxes of any amount under $500 thousand dollars owed. The president could allow small disputes to take a quick bankruptcy if needed. It costs 50 thousand dollars per year to jail a person for tax evasion. This will save the nation money on incarceration costs and keep people productive.
  8. Allow Healthcare as an Ordinary Business Expense. Implement a presidential order that “over the counter” or “alternative medicine” pharmaceutical products and women’s health products would be tax deductible as a ordinary business expense. Worker productivity and taxes paid would offset and tax revenue reduction.
  9. Allow 100% College Debt Deductions. Sign a presidential order that says that, “Education costs and debt should be a fully tax deductible or treated as a small business expense by any citizen who pays for their own debt, tuition, books and housing or any family members who carries the debt regardless of income or where you live.
  10. Allow for 100% Percent Deduction of Child and Elder Care.  Allow deduction of any child care or elder care expenses for working families (including any form rehabilitation & adolescent education) to be fully deductible. Worker productivity and taxes collected from taxpayers will offset the costs. Child education levels will be boosted which will lower long term public assistance costs.
  11. New Job Diversity. Any new federal government jobs can be located in low cost states such as Colorado, Iowa, Pennsylvania, or Texas. These new job salaries would be lower than in New York or Washington DC, thus saving billions for taxpayers and billions more in retirement obligations.
  12. Telecommuting. If federal workers desire to work from home, they can telecommute using secure computer technology. This would reduce costs of energy, communications, and other costs of government. Underserved states such as Florida, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Iowa, Colorado and similar states could be home to a new Federal Telecommuting Workforce and save billions if not trillions in ongoing and future costs.
  13. Create an IRS Advisory Commission on Innovation. Appoint representatives from each state of the union to be in charge of cultivating new IRS Policy and Innovation. Roughly the same number of house and senate members could be appointed to collaborate.
  14. Student Loan Sustainability. Since there are 44 million Americans affected by student loans and interest rates, the president can sign an order to protect workers who are paying their student loans regardless of the Federal Reserve decisions.
  15. Attrition Jobs Multiplier. For every Obama job that is vacated, there can be 2-3 new jobs created at a smaller pay scale outside of the most expensive cities in the USA thus reducing unemployment and public assistance rolls nationwide. Underserved states and counties can be targeted to be allocated these jobs.

George Mentz JD MBA CWM Chartered Wealth Manager ® is a licensed attorney and CEO of GAFM ® global education, which is an ISO 29990 Certified professional development company operating in over 50 nations. Mentz is an award winning author and advisory board member to several companies around the world in education, charities, and crypto currency.

© 2024 Newsmax Finance. All rights reserved.

Over the years, it has been difficult to unite working people to generate ideas to move this country forward.
15, trump, improve, economy, cost, taxpayers
Thursday, 26 July 2018 03:02 PM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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