Timothy Plan, a group of faith-based mutual funds, recently reached the $2 billion mark in investments. Their pro-life, pro-family, pro-God approach to investing is aimed at not only benefitting the investor but our culture at large. This milestone for Timothy Plan represents a significant cultural shift and an awakening of Christians.
If you feel the church never makes progress against the darkness of this world, consider this: it took Timothy Plan 25 years to reach $1 billion under management. It took them less than three years to get the second billion. I suspect it will take even less time to reach the third billion.
This is $2 billion that Satan does not get to use. Two billion dollars not being funneled to corporations intent on redefining God’s Word, or supporting human trafficking or the murder of babies in the womb. Two billion dollars out of the hands of those who wish to tear apart the moral fiber of this country through the advancement of gambling, pornography, darkness and sin.
For years, I had conversations on Wall Street with investors who claimed it was impossible to screen for Biblical integrity or advance faith-based investing. In reality, the obstacle was never about possibility. The obstacle was laziness, lack of conviction, and lack of interest. I thought I might never see the day when people would be willing to lay aside their greed to prioritize their convictions.
Biblically Responsible Investing
It is both encouraging and surprising to watch this shift. Maybe Christians are just awakening to the importance of Biblically responsible investing, which has been long unrealized or ignored by the church. Or maybe they have become emboldened by the example of others paving the way for thoughtful stewardship. Either way, a movement is growing. Christian investors are going out of their way to ensure they will not take ownership in companies they know would grieve the heart of God.
Two billion dollars placed in Timothy Plan funds represents many individuals and institutions who are making no bones about their priorities. They are seeking to be wise stewards of their finances, but they are also seeking to honor God with the resources He has given them—putting their money where their mouths are.
The Bible says that “the love of money is the root of all evil” (1 Timothy 6:10). Money is not evil. Money is a resource that can be powerfully used for God’s glory—or powerfully misused in the wrong hands. One day we will each give an account for how we spent the time and resources He gave us. Our own currency reminds us that it is in Him we should trust, and He who should be honored with the resources that He has entrusted to us.
It may feel like our country is being consumed by darkness, immorality, and lack of conviction—but take hope. I never thought I would see a biblically responsible logo displayed throughout the floor of the N.Y Stock Exchange, and yet there one is, gaining notoriety and bearing fruit for God’s glory. There is light in the darkness, and it is growing.
Dan Celia is president and CEO of Financial Issues Stewardship Ministries, Inc., and host of the nationally syndicated radio and television program “Financial Issues,” heard daily on more than 660 stations across the country, reaching millions of households on several TV networks, including FISM-TV. Visit www.financialissues.org.
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