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What Is a Tummy Tuck?

Tuesday, 28 December 2010 12:40 PM EST

A Tummy tuck is a popular cosmetic surgical procedure that helps to bring the dream of a taut and flabless abdomen closer to reality. If you are unable to reduce the flab or excess fat on your tummy through regular pushups or diet regimes, perhaps you should consider going through the tummy tuck surgery.

Also called abdominoplasty, tummy tuck surgery lets you flaunt a flat stomach by removing the extra fat from the abdomen and by strengthening the abdominal muscles.

A tummy tuck is a major surgery with its share of possible complications and scars. So, if you are considering the surgery, it would be best to consult your physician and understand the procedure and risks involved. The best candidates for tummy tuck and mini tummy tuck (a shorter and more localized procedure than tummy tuck) are women who have had multiple pregnancies, and overweight or obese people who have gone through weight loss plans and have loose abdominal skin or excess fat still deposited on the stomach.

The duration of tummy tuck surgery depends on the complexity of the case and the desired results. The tummy tuck patient is given general anesthesia before the tummy tuck surgery. Here’s a list of the different types of tummy tucks.

* Complete tummy tuck: A low incision, usually stretching from one side of the hip bone to the other side, is made. The cosmetic surgeon would then detach the outer skin and suture or tighten the inner muscular fascia wall. The extra abdominal skin and old belly button stalk are removed. Liposuction may then be done to contour the abdomen and drain out any excess fluids from the surgery site.

* Partial or mini tummy tuck: Although the procedure is similar to a complete tummy tuck, a mini tummy tuck involves a smaller incision and stretching down of the stomach skin, while removing the extra unwanted skin.

* Extended tummy tuck: Sometimes a tummy tuck is accompanied by other body contouring procedures such as breast reduction, hip or thigh lift, and lower body lift.

The recovery period after a tummy tuck varies from case to case and can take anywhere between two and four weeks. Tummy tuck scars are usually quite ugly, long, and permanent. The size of the tummy tuck scar depends on the amount of skin removed, surgical procedure involved, and recovering ability of the patient. With time, the tummy tuck scar may become pale and flatten out.

The total cost involved for tummy tuck surgery, hospitalization, medication, and post-operative care is fairly high and depends on the patient’s age and medical condition. A touch up or follow up procedure after the tummy tuck surgery may also be required.

A tummy tuck is a great way to get rid of ugly flab on the stomach, but it should not be used as an alternative to healthy eating and exercise.

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A Tummy tuck is a popular cosmetic surgical procedure that helps to bring the dream of a taut and flabless abdomen closer to reality. If you are unable to reduce the flab or excess fat on your tummy through regular pushups or diet regimes, perhaps you should consider going...
tummy,tuck,mini,surgery,tummy tuck,tummy tuck surgery,tummy tuck cost,tummy tuck scars,what is tummy tuck
Tuesday, 28 December 2010 12:40 PM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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