Minor Side Effects of Prozac
Minor side effects include unusual dreams, anxiety, flu like symptoms such as dry mouth and diarrhea, chills, muscles aches, sweating, loss of appetite, and weakness. If these symptoms do not affect your daily functioning, then the dosage may be right for you.
Major Side Effects of Prozac
The more severe reactions and side effects to Prozac are the same as those listed in the above section, but with a more debilitating effect. Anything abnormal in your bodily reactions must be noted such as black or bloody stool, intense chest pain, or worsening depression are all severe side effects.
Side effects of prozac can range from gastrointestinal to psychiatric. Severe gastrointestinal problems reported included upper GI bleeding. Minor side effects included dry mouth and slight nausea.
In cases studying the effects of prozac on the nervous system, severe reactions included seizures and worsening symptoms of previous Parkinson's disease symptoms. Other reported side effects included abnormal dreams along with reduced REM sleep.
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