An itchy prostate is typically the result of inflammation of the gland due to a bacterial infection.
According to Right Diagnosis, an itchy prostate is a symptom of acute and/or chronic prostatitis, which are caused by exposure to bacteria. Prostatitis is when the prostate becomes inflamed, causing it typically to become enlarged and tender.
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Along with itching, other symptoms include pain in the area, changes in frequency and flow of urination, and fever and chills.
Here are five ways in which an individual may be exposed to the bacteria that causes an itchy prostate:
1. Bacterial urinary tract infection
The same bacteria that cause a UTI can also result in prostatitis. This type of bacteria includes proteus, klebsiella, and E. coli,
according to Healthline.
2. Sexually transmitted diseases
STDs such as chlamydia and gonorrhea may also cause acute bacterial prostatitis because bacteria can travel to the prostate from the blood. Chronic bacterial prostatitis is not transmitted sexually.
3. Biopsy
Having biopsy surgery may cause an individual to be exposed to bacteria that can cause prostatitis. The germs are able to enter the prostate during or after the procedure.
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4. Infections in other parts of the male genitourinary tract
The bacteria of infections in other parts of the region near the prostate may spread to the gland through urine and blood.
5. Injury to the prostate or prostate area
Prostatitis can also result when bacteria in the urine leaks into the prostate. If injury in the area occurs, it could cause leakage into the gland, which leads to inflammation,
according to the Mayo Clinic.
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