The golf world won’t be the same without Arnold Palmer, "The King" of golf who thrilled fans starting back in the 1950s with his championships in the PGA and other worldwide tours.
Even after his retirement in 2006, the trailblazing golfer was still sought after for advice on the best ways to handle the fairway and the green. He died September 25 at 87 years old.
Here are six tips from one of the greatest players in golf history:
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1. Choose the correct grip size and style — A grip that’s too small causes the club to close too soon while a big grip may open up the clubhead on impact, Palmer once told the Lamkin website. The grip should feel just right. Get assistance from a golf pro or expert in club fitting.
2. Stay consistent with the grip for all clubs — Many golfers get their clubs through different manufacturers, but Palmer recommended having the same grip model and style for all clubs to provide a consistent feel and play.
3. Remain motionless when putting — Concentrate on using only your hands and arms as you put. Palmer always kept his weight centered and body quiet as he tried to feel inward with his elbows and knees pinched toward the middle of the body, according to Golf Digest.
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4. Be comfortable with your swing — Avoid standing at attention. Keep the knees flexed while your arms feel natural without pulling to the body. Palmer advised that feeling awkward during a swing stance should be a warning that you’re not doing it right, explains Break 80 Golf.
5. Swing to completion — Even after making contact with the ball, you should swing high and around the shoulders for a correct finish. Some golfers tend to end on impact, but a good follow-through is necessary to properly move the club.
6. Sweep for chip shots — Imagine the whisk sound of a broom when hitting the ball into the air. Thinking about the sound is a good way to swing the clubhead as it brushes the grass, Palmer once told Golf Digest.
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