An overactive thyroid releases too much thyroid hormone throughout the body. Also called hyperthyroidism, the disorder speeds up the metabolism to affect the heart rate, nervous system, weight, body temperature, breathing and other bodily functions.
Graves’ disease, in which the thyroid gland produces excess amounts of the hormone because of an antibody created by the immune system, is the most common cause of an
overactive thyroid, WebMD reports. Other causes include thyroiditis, which inflames the thyroid, and thyroid nodules that develop in the gland increase thyroid hormones in the blood.
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Additionally, foods and liquids that contain a high amount of iodine may result in an overactive thyroid, and thyroid medication could increase thyroid activity if a patient takes too much, says WebMD.
Here are 26 effects people with an overactive thyroid might experience, according to WebMD and
1. Nervousness
2. Anxiety
3. Rapid heartbeat
4. Hand tremors
5. Excessive sweating
6. Weight loss
7. Fatigue
8. Muscle weakness
9. Mood swings
10. Sleeping difficulties
11. Dry skin
12. Light or missed periods
13. More frequent bowel movements
14. Goiter, swelling of the thyroid gland
15. Double vision
16. Eyes bulging out from Graves’ disease
17. Thinning hair or hair loss
18. Rapid growth of fingernails
19. Inability to concentrate
20. Breast development in men
21. Nausea and vomiting
22. Increased appetite to satisfy the accelerated metabolism
23. Itching
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Signs that need immediate medical attention include:
24. Dizziness
25. Shortness of breath
26. Loss of consciousness
Healthline points out that atrial fibrillation, a dangerous irregular heart rate, could result in strokes and congestive heart failure.
Some people may not notice any symptoms if they have a mild form of hyperthyroidism, according to WebMD. The effects may be different in each person with an overactive thyroid. Sometimes the symptoms may interfere with activities in people’s daily lives.
Many symptoms of an overactive thyroid are common with other illnesses, so a visit to the doctor could help pinpoint the problem.
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