Dyslexia is quite a broad term and because the disease is found in various stages of progression and intensity, a thorough examination and evaluation through dyslexia testing is very important before beginning treatment for dyslexia.
Most established dyslexia treatments focus on remedial education and providing psychological and social support to dyslexic children. Many schools create an individualized educational strategy for children tailored towards their specific needs.
An appropriate treatment plan focuses on improving the child's weaknesses while making use of their strengths.
A direct approach includes a systematic study of phonics. Techniques that include all the senses working hand in hand can also be used. Specific reading approaches that require a child to hear, see, say, and do certain things, known as the Slingerland Method, the Orton-Gillingham Method, or Project READ, can also be used.
Computers are efficient devices for such children and should be utilized as much as possible. Dyslexic children should be taught compensation and coping skills. Attention should be paid to optimum learning conditions and alternative avenues for student performance.
Apart from such remedial education treatments, medical approaches include using anti-anxiety medicines and anti-motion sickness drugs that could have some benefits for the treatment of dysmetric dyslexicindividuals. These drugs include:
1.Cyclizine [Marezine]
2. Meclizine [Antivert]
3.Dimenhydrinate [Dramamine]
4. Methylphenidate [Ritalin]
5. Piracetam is a dyslexia drug that has been observed to have positive effects on dyslexia symptoms, improving verbal ability, speed and accuracy of reading, and short term memory in dyslexic patients.
The above mentioned dyslexia drugs should be administered in consultation with a medical practitioner, who will also be responsible for regulating the dosage and time span of the drug’s delivery. Various combinations of the drugs may also be adopted for improving the effectiveness of the entire treatment.
Dyslexia is not a disease that can be treated solely with medicines. Many medical associations and journals insist that the treatment of dyslexia should be carried out with the aid of remedial education and psycho-social support.
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