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Nitroglycerin for Chest Pain: Side Effects You Need to Know

By    |   Thursday, 10 September 2015 07:59 PM EDT

If you are considering taking nitroglycerin for chest pain or were prescribed this nitrate drug by your doctor, there are a number of side effects you should know. Some of these side effects are considered symptoms of a heart attack, so extra precaution should be taken while administering this drug.

While nitroglycerin is used to prevent the conditions in the body that cause chest pain, taking it to relieve immediate chest pain will do no good, according to WebMD.

The Mayo Clinic has compiled a rather long list of side effects you may experience while taking nitroglycerin for chest pain.

ALERT: 4 Things You'll Feel Before a Heart Attack

But first, some good news; spontaneous combustion is not a side effect of taking nitroglycerin — even after an overdose — in case you were wondering.

Lightheadedness is a more common side effect of nitroglycerin, but less common side effects include:
1. Arm, back, or jaw pain
2. Blurred vision
3. Chest pain or discomfort, tightness, or heaviness
4. Confusion
5. Dizziness, faintness, or lightheadedness when getting up suddenly from a lying or sitting position
6. Fainting
7. Fast or irregular heartbeat
8. Nausea
9. Sweating
10. Unusual tiredness or weakness

Many of the aforementioned side effects of nitroglycerin are similar to sensations often associated with heart attacks, so communicate with your doctor any of the above changes in your physical condition.

Rare side effects include:
1. Bluish-colored lips, fingernails, or palms
2. Dark urine
3. Difficulty with breathing
4. Fever
5. Headache
6. Pale skin
7. Rapid heart rate
8. Sore throat
9. Unusual bleeding or bruising

Nitroglycerine side effects that occur in unknown incidence can include:
1. Blistering, burning, crusting, dryness, or flaking of the skin
2. Cough
3. Difficulty with swallowing
4. Hives or rash
5. Itching, scaling, severe redness, soreness, or swelling of the skin
6. Puffiness or swelling of the eyelids or around the eyes, face, lips, or tongue

URGENT: Assess Your Heart Attack Risk Now — Click Here

The Mayo Clinic also warns of symptoms of overdose and suggests you “Get emergency help immediately if any of the following occur”:
1. Blurred or loss of vision
2. Bulging soft spot on the head of an infant
3. Change in consciousness
4. Change in the ability to see colors, especially blue or yellow
5. Cold, clammy skin
6. Disturbed color perception
7. Double vision
8. Feeling of constant movement of self or surroundings
9. Halos around lights
10. Headache, severe and throbbing
11. Loss of consciousness
12. Night blindness
13. Overbright appearance of lights
14. Paralysis
15. Sensation of spinning
16. Tunnel vision

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If you are considering taking nitroglycerin for chest pain or were prescribed this nitrate drug by your doctor, there are a number of side effects you should know.
chest pain, nitroglycerin, side effects
Thursday, 10 September 2015 07:59 PM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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