A cataract is a cloudy area in the lens of the eye. Apart from congenital cataracts which are present since or shortly after birth, there are adult cataracts. These are of three types: immature cataracts- where lens has some clear area; mature cataracts- where the lens is completely cloudy and becomes opaque; and hyper mature cataracts- a condition in which the lens tissues splinter off and leak through the surface covering. Cataracts lead to decreased vision even during the day. Similar changes occur in both eyes with a cataract, but one eye may be worse than the other.
Mild clouding of the lens occurs after 60.
Contributive factors:
Eye injury, family history, smoking, exposure to ultraviolet rays, and radiation.
Foggy vision, double vision, difficulty in night vision, loss of color intensity, sensitivity to glare, and inability to see shapes.
Non-surgical cataract cures:
Cooling oils:
Apply cooling oils over the head and massage regularly. Let the oil sink into the scalp this relieves and de-stresses the eyes and the vision becomes clearer. This is especially important for people who are exposed more to the sunlight, for people who watch more TV, or for people who sit staring onto the computer screen. These cooling oils also enhance the night’s sleep.
Apples, oranges, grapes and pomegranates are great for people with cataract. Added to these is the wonderful banana which is also beneficial for this. These fruits have an extra benefit of keeping away the other diseases.
Vitamin Supplements:
These are an effective antidote to the progression of cataract, unless intervened, it could result in total blindness.
Some best alternative, natural treatments:
Diet: Almost every disease is linked to some element of diet, and Cataract is no exception. Greens, green veggies and fruits are very good for eyes.
Juices: Oranges and grape juice can have very good effect on eyes.
Carrots: Carrots or carrot juice helps stave off cataract.
Garlic: This is wonderful treatment for cataract as it cleanses the lens of the eyes. Apart from this, in alternative medicine or natural treatments, garlic is said to arrest and staunch and inhibit cancer.
Aniseeds, powder of cardamom with warm milk, powder of almond, pepper and sugar candy, and many more are the best natural treatments for cataracts.
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