Carpal tunnel syndrome is a common orthopedic condition caused by pressure on the nerves in the wrist. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is interrelated by symptoms and signs. For most people, carpal tunnel syndrome begins with an aching wrist, hand, or forearm. The patient feels a weakness in the hands or numbness and tingling in the fingers and hands.
Traditional treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome starts with medication and splints. Other treatments for carpal tunnel syndrome include chiropractic manipulation, Wristaleve (which works by lifting the roof of the carpal tunnel to relieve the compression of the nerves and the tendons running through it), reconstructive therapy, acupuncture and endoscopic CTS release.
Carpal tunnel syndrome may not respond to conservative treatment. In such cases, carpal tunnel release surgery is performed. This surgical treatment has advanced considerably. Advancements in the field try to minimize invasive surgery for people who suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome.
Surgeons perform carpal tunnel surgeries with a procedure called endoscopic carpal tunnel release (ECTR). Benefits include reduced pain after surgery, less scar tissue, quicker resumption of normal activities, and a better cosmetic result for patients.
The findings of research involving people suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome in Spain reveal that non-surgical treatments are as good as invasive surgery for relieving painful symptoms. A new study shows that sleeping through the night with a splint can help treat carpal tunnel syndrome.
Other breakthrough treatments include:
Marine Microalgae supplements have been found by scientists to be the richest source of astaxanthin (carotenoids). These provide significant relief from pain and stiffness. BioAstin, a new dietary supplement, helps prevent free-radical damage implicated in joint problems. It may help neutralize free radicals and minimize oxidative damage in joints, thereby getting to a root cause of the problem. In two double-blind controlled studies conducted by the Health Research Studies Center in Los Altos, California, carpal tunnel syndrome sufferers who took BioAstin reported decreased wrist pain.
The Carpal SolutionTM was designed by muscular skeletal specialists to be worn during sleep. The brace gently stretches and reshapes soft tissue in and around the Carpal Tunnel to increase flexibility and enhance circulation. This relieves pressure on the median nerve and promotes natural healing.
Cold Laser Therapy has also obtained FDA approval for treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome. This treatment is stated to heal the median nerve itself. It is effective for both acute and chronic cases and helps in soft tissue healing.
Minimally invasive surgery is a form of surgery without stitches that is a breakthrough option for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. In a new, minimally invasive mini-open procedure, the incision is closed with special skin glue along the curve of the palm instead of stitches. This has successfully eliminated bulky bandages, stitches, and their associated pain. The service is being pioneered by The Saint Francis Care Minimally Invasive Surgery Center.
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