Breast cancer is a malignant tumor that can arise in the breast either in the lobules (milk producing glands) or in the ducts (milk carrying channels). Symptoms of breast cancer can appear years after the onset of the disease.
The Top Five Symptoms of Breast Cancer Are:
1. Lump or swelling: The most common symptom of breast cancer is the presence of a lump or swelling, which is present in 90% of cases. Any swelling in the breast must always be ruled out as a potential breast cancer symptom and prompt diagnosis should be made.
2.Cyst in armpit: Presence of a cyst in the armpit may also be a breast cancer symptom.
3. Discharge from nipple: In some cases, discharge from a nipple and dimpling of the skin over the breast can be a breast cancer sign and symptom.
4. Retracted nipple: In other cases, retracted nipples may be a symptom of breast cancer. Women suffering from Paget’s disease (chronic eczema of nipples) may have underlying breast cancer symptoms.
5. Changes in skin of breast and other symptoms: Redness, swelling, warmth, and pain are commonly observed inflammatory breast cancer symptoms. Spread of cancer cells to the small lymph nodes near the breast may produce inflammatory breast cancer symptoms. All these typically characterize the presence of inflammatory breast cancer.
TNM Staging:
T (Tumor size) N (Node involvement) M (Metastasis or spread) staging is done to mark breast cancer stages and its symptoms.
· Stage0 - Breast cancer signs and symptoms at this stage show a premalignant disease.
· Stage1-3 - Breast cancer signs and symptoms at this stage mean early curable cancer.
· Stage 4 - Breast cancer stage 4 demonstrates metastatic cancer.
Treatment: Various treatments such as chemotherapy, drugs, surgery, and radiation are available to cure breast cancer and its symptoms.
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