Consuming vinegar as an aid for digestion is a home remedy you'll find repeated across a variety of publications, but the results are mixed on whether or not it's effective.
"Fermented foods, like vinegar, have been shown to aid digestion by encouraging the growth of healthy gut bacteria,"
wrote Shape magazine.
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But you'll also find debate in health and wellness publishing circles about whether vinegar can do more harm than good when used as natural, alternative digestive.
"Vinegar is highly acidic and, thus, may harm your throat if consumed frequently or in excess,"
according to LiveStrong. "Vinegar can also contribute to tooth decay, because its acid content has the ability to break down the enamel coating of your teeth. Vinegar may also cause harmful drug interactions for some individuals, such as those taking insulin or diuretics."
Doctors have previously warned people away from vinegar at meal times because it prevents some of the starch in foods from being digested, but there are also potential health benefits from having vinegar with meals, especially for diabetics, because that same starch-inhibiting effect can minimize blood sugar spikes, Dr. Carol Johnston
told WebMD.
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